[comp.unix.i386] 386 RAM Wait States

greg%pipe@gatech.edu (Greg Williams) (04/04/89)

Note: I am posting the following article for a friend.  Please send
all replys to Greg Galloway at the address below.

What is the truth about RAM speeds and true zero wait state 386 machines?
I've seen ads that claim a 16MHz 386 must have 80ns RAM to achieve true
zero wait state, but I've also seen people trying to sell 20 and 25MHz 
machines with 80ns and some times even 100ns. Some of these machines are
very cheap clones which do not seem to have special cache circuitry.
What's the truth?

Greg Galloway, Georgia Institute of Technology, 
GTRI/EML/EOD Baker Rm 323I, Atlanta, Georgia  30332, (404) 894-3357
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!qfcoopr
ARPA: qfcoopr@prism.gatech.edu

Disclaimer: My opinions are my own.
GREG WILLIAMS "Barbaric Penguin"
Disclaimer: The usual stuff.