[comp.unix.i386] Microport 286 binaries on SysV3.2?

evan@telly.on.ca (Evan Leibovitch) (05/05/89)

I have been unsuccessful in attempts to make the Microport 286 DWB
work on my Enix 3.2 (now to be renamed OSIX :-Q). Did Microport do
something to AT&T COFF that makes it different from original AT&T

If the answer to the above is yes, is there a fix - either to the
binaries themselves, or a technical description of the Microport
binary file format? Folks at Everex tell me they'd like to build in
support for Microport 286 binaries if they know the file layout.


Evan Leibovitch, SA of System Telly, located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario
    evan@telly.on.ca / {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan / (416) 452-0504
For a dollar you can still buy: A piece of paper with the Queen's face on it

plocher%sally@Sun.COM (John Plocher) (05/09/89)

+---- In <1989May5.060529.18967@telly.on.ca> Evan Leibovitch writes:
| I have been unsuccessful in attempts to make the Microport 286 DWB
| work on my Enix 3.2 (now to be renamed OSIX :-Q). Did Microport do
| something to AT&T COFF that makes it different from original AT&T
| specs?

I'm not suprised.  Microport *never* recompiled the DWB 286 stuff from
source.  The binaries came directly from Intel in STL (Single Task
Loadable) format.  V/286 had special support for this type file (gen'd by
Intel's development tools), but it was NEVER part of an AT&T standard.

Why, do you ask, didn't Microport ever recompile the sources?  Because
we didn't have them.  DWB/286 was version 1 from AT&T, DWB/386 was
version 2.  All we had was DWB-Ver2 source, and it didn't compile on the
286 :-(

The code generated by Microport's 286 compiler DOES generate COFF files,
and these files DO run under 386 Unix - both Microport's and all the other
3.2 releases.  Everex shouldn't have to do anything to make those things
work - ATT already did it.  As for the STL format DWB, ha!  Even I don't
know what STL looks like internally.

    -John Plocher

(BTW - I liked your .signature :-)

>For a dollar you can still buy: A piece of paper with the Queen's face on it

(in strange colours, though!)

mike@cimcor.mn.org (Michael Grenier) (05/09/89)

From article <1989May5.060529.18967@telly.on.ca>, by evan@telly.on.ca (Evan Leibovitch):
> I have been unsuccessful in attempts to make the Microport 286 DWB
> work on my Enix 3.2 (now to be renamed OSIX :-Q). Did Microport do
> something to AT&T COFF that makes it different from original AT&T
> specs?

The DWB that comes with Microport V/AT is not in COFF format but 
in RTL format. You can port the 286 software development system and other
commands if you want but the Documenters workbench is a bit tough. Since
it is DWB version 1.0 anyway, I recommend that you buy it.

    -Mike Grenier

pcg@aber-cs.UUCP (Piercarlo Grandi) (05/09/89)

In article <1989May5.060529.18967@telly.on.ca> evan@telly.on.ca (Evan Leibovitch) writes:

    I have been unsuccessful in attempts to make the Microport 286 DWB
    work on my Enix 3.2 (now to be renamed OSIX :-Q). Did Microport do
    something to AT&T COFF that makes it different from original AT&T

The DWB executables for SV/AT are NOT in COFF format, but in some funny
Intel semi compatible format. I don't remember the name... You can find
it in the /etc/magic file of SV/AT. As far as I know, they are the only
applications ever to have appeared in that funny format.

Piercarlo "Peter" Grandi           | ARPA: pcg%cs.aber.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Dept of CS, UCW Aberystwyth        | UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!aber-cs!pcg
Penglais, Aberystwyth SY23 3BZ, UK | INET: pcg@cs.aber.ac.uk