(Paul fink) (06/27/89)
IBM's decision to use Unix as a universal operating system on the full range of its products, from PS/2's to 3090's, will have a far reach effect on the Unix world. Like it or not many of us will be, or are, using AIX. Although some object to the particulars of AIX, some people object to anything, the ability to use a single UNIX on machines ranging from PC's to supercomputers is what many of us have wanted for some time. There are many issues concerning the use of AIX that users need to discussion with other users. There has been some resistance to in depth discussion of AIX in some news groups such as and comp.unix.i386 and there is no group for AIX 370. Certainly the Usenet should acknowledge IBM decision with the creation of a new group. The name follows that of comp.unix.cray, comp.unix.aux and comp.unix.i386. I feel the group should be unmoderated. It may have low volume to start but I am sure it will grow with AIX use. (Please confine your discussion to if there should or should not be a group. DO NOT USE THIS AS A CHILDISH OPPORTUNITY TO BASH IBM. I know that it is fun to do but please do it under a different topic heading.) ____________________________________________________________________________ Paul J. Fink Jr. Internet: Oregon State University fink@PHYSICS.ORST.EDU Department of Physics Phone: Corvallis, Oregon 97331 (503) 737-4631