[comp.unix.i386] recieve wrong uucp mail header

root@seaeast.WA.COM (Willy Paine) (10/01/89)

I have problem with ICS uucp mail that send all incomming uucp mail
to uucp (mostly) instead of directly to user's name.  This is good
example,  if someone is sending seaeast!willyp, I will go to uucp
instead of willyp.   I have setup all root and uucp mail to be mailed
forward to me as willyp.   I don't understand about "Apparently-To:"
Can you help me to let incoming mail going to directly recievers 
instead of uucp login.  

Thank you.

>>From uucp  Sat Sep 30 11:56:17 1989 
>>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 89 11:56:17 PDT 
>>From: uucp (0000-uucp(0000)) 
>>Message-Id: <8909301856.AA13686@seaeast.UUCP> 
>>Apparently-To: willyp 
>>Status: OR 
>>>From root  Sat Sep 30 14:40:56 1989 remote from seaeast 
>>Received: by seaeast.UUCP (5.51/smail2.2/06-30-87) 
>>       id AA13609; Sat, 30 Sep 89 14:40:55 EDT 
>>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 89 14:40:55 EDT 
>>From: root@seaeast.UUCP (Willy Paine) 
>>Message-Id: <8909301840.AA13609@seaeast.UUCP> 
>>Apparently-To: seaeast!willyp 
>>To: seaeast!willyp 
>>this is a test