[comp.unix.i386] Interactive to ship LPI C development with SDS2.2

dkelly@npiatl.UUCP (Dwight Kelly) (10/09/89)

From Unix Today, Oct 2, 1989

  Language Processors will bundle its C development enviroment with Inter-
active's 386/ix Unix software development system for 80386 PCs.
  Interactive will provide its Unix users with three LPI products as part of
its Unix development enviroment: New C, an ANSI C compiler, CodeWatch, an
interactive source-level debugger; and CoEdit, a programmer's editor.
  Starting in January, Interactive (213-453-8649) will ship LPI products
with the Interactive 386/ix Software Development System Release 2.2. The
development system is an optional extension to the Architech Series of systems
software modules.  The Architech Series can be purchased for three types
of use and three levels of use; applications, networks, and workstations are
said to address the different software enviroments and each enviroments
contains a Starter, Extender and Developer package.

Dwight Kelly

akcs.larry@nstar.UUCP (Larry Snyder) (10/10/89)

>  Interactive will provide its Unix users with three LPI products as part of
>its Unix development enviroment: New C, an ANSI C compiler, CodeWatch, an
>interactive source-level debugger; and CoEdit, a programmer's editor.
>  Starting in January, Interactive (213-453-8649) will ship LPI products

How will Interactive be handling the updates?