mrb1@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (maurice.r.baker) (11/22/89)
Hello Again --- Conor of Virtual Technologies, and Dave of WINCO were kind enough to reply to my original posting. I thought that I would repost a more detailed account of the problem in the hopes of stimulating some discussion: I have an application program which uses the ACE card to talk with several modems. Specifically, the modems run as auto-answer and wait for incoming calls. The program itself issues a "blocking open" on the appropriate ports.....i.e., it waits for DCD to be asserted before continuing. Once DCD has gone active, the open returns a positive non-zero file handle through which to read/write/ ioctl, etc. Now this all works fine....until I start seeing the "ACE: Card 0, req. before init, cmd...." messages on the console. At the same time, the program's error log file reveals that the blocked open begins returning some value less than zero (presumably -1 but the person who wrote the program just checks for <0). Errno is set to 128. Repeated attempts to reopen fail likewise. Nowhere can I find an explanation of errno 128 (no flames if I'm looking in the wrong places) in this situation. I called the Bell Tech support number, and got a recording referring me to 1-800-FOR-UNIX now that they are part of Intel. So far so good...I called the 800 number and got an answering service (message center) of some sort. The courteous operator handling my call took the message, but said she wasn't sure who to pass it on any event, I was promised a call back within hours. Haven't heard from them yet; I may try again today but it sure doesn't sound promising. Any suggestions, pointers (no pun intended), tips, caveats, etc. would be appreciated. Meanwhile, have a Happy Thanksgiving holiday!! M. Baker AT&T Bell Labs Holmdel, NJ 201-949-7935 email to hoqub!mrb, and I'll watch newsgroups for reply(ies)