[comp.unix.i386] ESIX Rev C imake

beattie@visenix.UUCP (Brian Beattie) (12/07/89)

Since I don't have time to call ESIX during their day, and I
can't get an email address for questions I'm going to post
this question.  Imake is listed in the manual but I can't seem
to find it.  Does anybody know if it really exits and if so
where it is?
Do Not meddle in the   | Brian Beattie          (703)471-7552
affairs of Wizards,    | 11525 Hickory Cluster, Reston, VA. 22090 
for you are crunchy    | beattie@visenix.UU.NET
and go well with catsup| ...uunet!visenix!beattie