[comp.unix.i386] Help needed getting NFS to run

phillip@bartal.CRLABS.COM (Phillip M. Vogel) (12/22/89)

Can anyone shed some light on this?  Interactive says "we'll call you back
when we figure it out". I'd like to get NFS running while I'm still young
enough to use it, so I turn to the net for some guidance.

Hardware: Dyna 386-20
		ST506 drives

Software:Interactive 386/IX V2.02
		386/ix TCP/IP V1.1.2
		386/ix NFS V2.0


/usr/spool	 #testing 1,2,3

relevant directories:
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     root          32 Feb  9  1989 /mnt/
drwxrwxrwx  25 root     bin          480 Dec 18 11:04 /usr/spool/

TCP/IP runs fine talking to KA9Q, NCSA, & FTP Software tnvt.exe.  All of
the other services seem to run OK except......

when I run 
	/etc/init.d/nfs start
	mount -f NFS bartal:/usr/spool /mnt
I get
mount: bartal:/usr/spool server not responding (1): RPC: Program not registered
I also get (after a couple of minutes)
	Cannot register service: RPC: Timed out
	unable to register (SM_PROG, SM_VERS,udp).
	Cannot register service: RPC: Timed out
	Assertion failed: line 420 of pcnfsd.c: "scv_register

rpcinfo -p bartal responds with
	No remote programs registered.

Anyone want to take a stab at this? I'd really appreciate your help.
Phillip M. Vogel, President             | #include <standard_disclaimer.h>
Bartal Design Group, Inc. Englewood, NJ | (201)567-1343   FAX:(201)568-2891
UUCP: pyrnj!bartal!phillip              | Domain: phillip@bartal.crlabs.com
	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Faster
	I can also be reached at 201-569-7667 ext 239 
						800-631-2524 ext 239
	ask for Chris Wiener at these two numbers.