[net.auto] Getty unleaded gas/methanol usage

joec@u1100a.UUCP (Joe Carfagno) (01/11/84)

I can get Getty unleaded gasoline for $1.079 at a station near my house.
Except for ARCO which is just as low, most unleadeds are higher.
It's also 89 octane; most other unleadeds are 87 or 87.5.  I asked myself
why anyone would buy anything other than Getty.  Then I heard (not read)
about the use of methanol as a gasoline additive to lower price and raise
octane.  I also heard this was bad for the carburetor and some auto
manufactures said it could invalidate new car warranties.  All this is
second-hand.  Does anyone know the validity (or lack of) this story?
Is methanol bad?  Does Getty and ARCO use it in their gasolines?
			Joe Carfagno   CSO   ...!u1100a!joec

kjg@zeppo.UUCP (01/12/84)

zeppo!kjg    Jan 12 12:38:00 1984

Yes, Getty does use methanol, however, I believe it is only in the
"Premium" grade.   On getty pumps in Kansas City, a label clearly
states if the fuel is a methanol mixture.  I have heard stories on
relating both the beneficial and detrimental effects on fuel systems.
I don't know who to believe either.