avq@goya.dit.upm.es (Alfredo Villalobos) (01/17/90)
X.25 on UNIX Sys V Rel. 3.2 All products are available for PC/AT bus based 386 machines with UNIX/XENIX Operating System. ------------ netCS Informationstechnik GmbH Ahornstrasse 1-2 D-1000 Berlin 30 West Germany Phone: +49 30 244237; Fax: +49 30 243800 pengo@tmpmbx.UUCP <Hans Huebner> pengo@garp.mit.edu - Intelligent Adapter Card (currently three different cards) that provides everything up to ISO level 3. - X.3,X.28, X.29 internal PAD support. - programmer's library to support custom applications. --------------- Systems Strategies Inc. USA, Phone 212 279 8400 X.25 intelligent board and Comlink Communications Software. --------------------- Symicron Computer Communications Charles House 35 Widmore Road Bromley Kent BR1 1RW, England Phone: 01-460-2238, Fax: 01-290-1669 - Product DTSX PC/AT card (up to 64 kbps) - soft STS (Symicron Telematics Software) - UNIX/XENIX device drivers - X.3, X.28, X.29 internal PAD support (release not yet available) - programmer's library --------------------- The Software Group Limited 2 Director Court, Suite 201 Woodbridge, Canada L4L 3Z5 Phone: (416) 8560238 Fax: (416) 8560242 uunet!tsgfred!derek <Derek Vair> - Product NETCOM-II includes both Intelligent Board (up to 64 kbps) and software. - X.3, X.28, X.29 internal PAD support (T-PAD,H-PAD and U-PAD) - programmer's library ---------------------- RETIX 2644 30th Street Santa Monica, CA 90405-3009 Phone: (213) 3992200 rutgers!retix!mark <Mark Hoy> - X.25 card (up to 19.200 kbps) for UNIX on 386 systems.