[comp.unix.i386] poor uucp performance - help!

lyons@cdss.UUCP (Don R Lyons) (02/16/90)

I have purchased a telebit trailblazer+ to reduce my uunet phonebills .
The system I am using is a 16MHz, Acer 386 running SCO Unix 3.2.0 . I
know the TB+ is in PEP mode running the uucp proto 'cause I watched a
xfer with uucico in debug mode. I have the following entries in the
Systems and Devices file :

Systems -> uunet Any ACU 19200 9-7038765055u ogin: ...

Devices -> ACU tty2a - 300-19200 dialTBIT \T

I am seeing uucp xfers @ 300cps and news as low as 20cps.

Is there something I am missing ? How do I get the modem to only establish
a connection with uunet at 9600bps ?  Finally , is it possible that my xfer
stats are misleading ? I dont know.

Any help will be appreciated.

PS : is {ames,sun,uunet}!telebit!modems alive ?

rock@rancho.uucp (Rock Kent) (02/17/90)

In article <125@cdss.UUCP> lyons@cdss.UUCP (Don R Lyons) writes:
Don> I have purchased a telebit trailblazer+ to reduce my uunet phonebills .
Don> I am seeing uucp xfers @ 300cps and news as low as 20cps.

This gets asked often enough that maybe we should have it in a regular
posting somewhere.  Let's see how well I remember:

1.  Your duart can have a dramatic impact on your throughput.  Lots of
    potential problems with 8250s.  I used to regularly get 700cps
    with my 16450s.  Now that I've replaced them with 16550As my
    average runs about 850cps with frequent excursions to 1300cps.  If
    you're using a smart card of some sort, check your installation
    and, especially, your interrupt assignments.

2.  Your serial driver can also have a dramatic impact on throughput.
    There have been several reported problems with the serial drivers
    put out by the various V/386 vendors.  I imagine yours is fixed,
    but its worth checking with the vendor.

3.  Make sure that you are using hardware flow control (RTS/CTS).  I
    prefer to also lock my modem-serialport interface at 19200 and let
    the flow control work with the modem to deal with calls at lesser

4.  Make sure that you have compression turned off.  You don't want to
    be compressing already compressed news batches.

Don> The system I am using is a 16MHz, Acer 386 running SCO Unix 3.2.0 . I

I'm running Microport Unix V/386 on a 20mhz 386 no-name clone.  I'm
also running a T2500, so some of my references to registers may not
make sense.  I've found, though, that all of the articles about
'blazers have been applicable to my problems.

Don> I have the following entries in the Systems and Devices file :
Don> Systems -> uunet Any ACU 19200 9-7038765055u ogin: ...
Don> Devices -> ACU tty2a - 300-19200 dialTBIT \T

My files, with thanks to eric@snark.uu.net (Eric S. Raymond) and a
posting he made on this subject about a year ago, are as follows.

My Devices file:
# --- Telebit Trailblazer/T1000/T2000 devices ------
# Devices for access to a 'blazer on tty01
ACUTB tty01 - 19200 tbPEP
ACUTBC tty01 - 19200 tbPEPc
ACUTBAUTO tty01 - 19200 tbauto
ACUTB2400 tty01 - 19200 tb2400
ACUTB2400N tty01 - 19200 tb2400n
ACUTB1200 tty01 - 19200 tb1200

My Dialers file:
# 	Telebit Trailblazer Plus, T1000 or T2000
# assumes Q6 X1 S51=4 S52=2 S53=3 S54=3 S55=3 S58=2 S66=1 S92=1 S95=2 in EEPROM
# The magic parts of these scripts are the delays after connection, which hold
# off handing control to uucico so it won't time out during the PEP negotiation.
tb1200	=W-,	"" \d\K\dATE0 OK ATS92=0S50=2S95=0DT,\T CONNECT\s1200
tb2400	=W-,	"" \d\K\dATE0 OK ATS92=0S50=3S95=0DT,\T CONNECT\s2400
tb2400n	=W-,	"" \d\K\dATE0 OK ATS92=0S50=3DT,\T CONNECT\s2400
tbauto	=W-,	"" \d\K\dATE0 OK ATS92=0S50=0S95=0DT,\T CONNECT\s
tbPEP	=W-,	"" \d\K\dATE0 OK ATS92=0S95=0S50=255S7=60S111=30DT,\T\r\n\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\c CONNECT\sFAST
tbPEPc	=W-,	"" \d\K\dATE0 OK ATS92=0S95=0S50=255S7=60S110=1S111=30DT,\T\r\n\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\c CONNECT\sFAST

My Systems file:
ncr-sd   Any ACUTB 19200 nnnnnnn "" \r ogin:-\r-ogin:-\r-ogin:     . . .
donner   Any ACUTBAUTO 19200 nnnnnnn "" \r ogin:-\r-ogin:-\r-ogin: . . .
serene   Any ACUTBC 19200 nnnnnnn ogin:-\K\r-ogin:-\K\r-ogin:      . . .
uunet	 Any ACUTBC 19200 nnnnnnnnnnn ogin:-\r-ogin:-\r-ogin:      . . .
killer   Any ACUTB2400 19200 nnnnnnnnnnn ogin:-\r-ogin:-\r-ogin:   . . .

Finally, my register settings, where interesting, are:
S50=000	        Auto Speed Determination & Sequence.
S51:005	        Interface at up to 19200
S52:002	        DTR controls AutoAnswer and Causes RESET
S58:002	        RTS flow control in full duplex.
S66:001	        Lock Interface Speed.
S67=000	        CTS on when Modem ready.
S68:002	        Use CTS flow control in full Duplex.
S92=000	        Answering Sequence. PEP,V22,212A,103
S96=001         MNP Compression enabled.
S110:000        PEP Compression disabled.
S111=255        Use protocol specified by remote.
S130:003        DSR on for commands or data.
S131:001        DCD on when carrier detected.

Don> a connection with uunet at 9600bps ?

Set s50=255 as is done above for the tbPEP and tbPEPc devices.

Don> PS : is {ames,sun,uunet}!telebit!modems alive ?
Yup, I received a reply sent to that address about a week ago.

*Rock Kent    rock@rancho.uucp        POB 8964, Rancho Sante Fe, CA. 92067*

bret@codonics.COM (Bret Orsburn) (02/23/90)

In article <1990Feb17.063412.18455@rancho.uucp> rock@rancho.uucp (Rock Kent) writes:
>4.  Make sure that you have compression turned off.  You don't want to
>    be compressing already compressed news batches.

OK, I'll bite: Why not?

Surely, compression will be less effective the second time, but is there
any good reason to disable it? Do you have any data to demonstrate that
throughput is *decreased* by enabling compression for a compressed newsfeed?

Bret Orsburn

larry@nstar.UUCP (Larry Snyder) (02/23/90)

In article <959@codonics.COM>, bret@codonics.COM (Bret Orsburn) writes:
> Surely, compression will be less effective the second time, but is there
> any good reason to disable it? Do you have any data to demonstrate that
> throughput is *decreased* by enabling compression for a compressed newsfeed?

In many cases enabling compression in the modem will actually increase
the about of time to transfer the file - ie: with compressed and or
archived data.

          Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
                uucp: larry@nstar -or- ...!iuvax!ndmath!nstar!larry
               4 inbound dialup high speed line public access system

david@csource.oz.au (david nugent) (02/24/90)

In a message of <Feb 23 23:18>, Bret Orsburn writes:

 >In article <1990Feb17.063412.18455@rancho.uucp> (Rock Kent) writes:
 >>4.  Make sure that you have compression turned off.  You don't want to
 >>    be compressing already compressed news batches.
 >OK, I'll bite: Why not?
 >Surely, compression will be less effective the second time, but is there
 >any good reason to disable it? Do you have any data to demonstrate that
 >throughput is *decreased* by enabling compression for acompressed 

Try it sometime ... you'll soon see the difference.  :-)

Yes indeed - the speed does drop.  This places some overhead on the transfer speed 'blazer to 'blazer since compression requires processing.  Also when compression is applied on a 16-bit compressed file, it will most often EXPAND the file in question.


     UUCP: ...!munnari!csource!david  <Fido/ACSNET Gate>
 Internet: david@csource.oz.au
  FidoNet: 3:632/348