[comp.unix.i386] Recommendations on a UNIX for a 386 PC

hopkins@apollo.HP.COM (William Hopkins) (02/27/90)

A friend just bought a 386 clone with an 80 meg scsi drive and
wants to put unix on one partition and dos on another.  Should he
buy venix?  xenix?  microport?  386/ix?  others?  Which is better,
faster, smaller, cheaper, least buggy, best documented, easiest to
install and use?  

Thanks in advance, I will summarize and significant response.

  William Hopkins                                        |  ARPA: hopkins@apollo.COM; hopkins@apollo.HP.COM
  Apollo Systems Division, Hewlett-Packard Corporation   |  UUCP: {decvax|mit-eddie}!apollo!hopkins
  Chelmsford, MA                                         |  YAFB: Yet Another Friend of Bill's since 1/1/87
  "When the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro." -- Hunter Thompson