[comp.unix.i386] X11

jsnyder@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Jay Snyder) (03/23/90)

Has anyone ported it to any i386 platform??

Jay A. Snyder       jsnyder@lehi3b15.csee.lehigh.edu
CSEE Dept.	          lehi3b15!jsnyder
Lehigh University

brando@uiucme2.me.uiuc.edu (Brando W. Brown) (03/24/90)

In article <834@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU> jsnyder@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Jay Snyder) writes:
>Has anyone ported it to any i386 platform??
I've put alot of work into TRYING to get it to my ISC2.0.2 Unix box, but have
been unable to do it so far. I made it as far as loading the Core distribution,
making the 386.macros file and getting imake to make the notesfile. Then after
that I was somewhat successful in having mkdepend add the dependancies to the
makefiles just created. I must ,however, not run the /bin/sh mkdepend script
correctly because I get all kinds of errors in the compilation stage of the

If you are successful in finding someone who has ported the generic X11R3 to
a 386 box, I would like to see the steps written in this group.... or maybe
their macros file.


|   Brandon Brown                    Internet:   brando@uiucme.me.uiuc.edu   |
|   Addamax Corporation              UUCP:       uunet!uiucuxc!addamax!brown |
|   2009 Fox Drive                   GEnie:      xmg23356 macbrando          |
|   Champaign, IL  61820             CompuServe: 73040,447                   |

rcd@ico.isc.com (Dick Dunn) (03/24/90)

brando@uiucme2.me.uiuc.edu (Brando W. Brown) writes:
> jsnyder@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Jay Snyder) writes:
> >Has anyone ported it to any i386 platform??
> I've put alot of work into TRYING to get it to my ISC2.0.2 Unix box, but have
> been unable to do it so far....
[grief with macros, imake, etc...]

You can also buy it, you know...various vendors have ported it.
Dick Dunn     rcd@ico.isc.com    uucp: {ncar,nbires}!ico!rcd     (303)449-2870
   ...Relax...don't worry...have a homebrew.

brando@uiucme2.me.uiuc.edu (Brando W. Brown) (03/24/90)

I already have Interactive's X-Windowing Enviroment and Development System. I
wanted to be able to make the entire distribution so I would have a handle
on porting X11R4...

What is the basic procedure for compiling contributed X programs on a 386
box?? Do you run Imake and go??? --- my mistake, wrong newsgroup...


|   Brandon Brown                    Internet:   brando@uiucme.me.uiuc.edu   |
|   Addamax Corporation              UUCP:       uunet!uiucuxc!addamax!brown |
|   2009 Fox Drive                   GEnie:      xmg23356 macbrando          |
|   Champaign, IL  61820             CompuServe: 73040,447                   |

randy@chinet.chi.il.us (Randy Suess) (03/24/90)

In article <1990Mar24.034209.20575@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> brando@uiucme2.UUCP (Brando W. Brown) writes:
>What is the basic procedure for compiling contributed X programs on a 386
>box?? Do you run Imake and go??? --- my mistake, wrong newsgroup...

	Could someone email me the modifications to /usr/lib/local/imake.
	includes so imake will work?  I have hacked till my keyboard bleeds,
	but I just can't seem to figure it out.  No matter what I do,
	trying to run imake in either the R3 or R4 distribution or in an
	comp.source.x stuff gives me errors having to do with TOP and TOPDIR
	stuff.  I would think that Interactive would supply a workable
	Thanks for any help

Randy Suess

jackv@turnkey.TCC.COM (Jack F. Vogel) (03/25/90)

In article <1990Mar23.200144.19010@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> brando@uiucme2.UUCP (Brando W. Brown) writes:
>In article <834@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU> jsnyder@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Jay Snyder) writes:
>>Has anyone ported it to any i386 platform??
>.... because I get all kinds of errors in the compilation stage of the
Huh?? How did you ever expect this to work, there IS NO 386 server in the
X11R3 distribution. I would certainly expect you would get errors compiling
a Sun or HP server!:-}! Why do you think the various vendors can resell X11,
its because the value-added is in the server port. It's a lot of work!!
Perhaps the most inexpensive strategy would be to buy the X run-time (which
pretty much is the server and some clients) and then build the libraries
and such from the distribution. Be forewarned, however, even that will not
be a walk in the park, since for instance, libX has a routine called
XOpenDisplay that needs low-level code to talk to the server. I doubt that
you could get away with just compiling and expect it to work.

What I am curious about is X11R4, it has a contributed server for AIX/PS2
that supports both VGA and 8514. Has anyone out there toyed with porting
that code to say ISC?? I have glanced over the code and it wouldn't be
trivial, but it would be a lot closer to a reasonable starting point. Anyone
working on this or interested in doing so??

Disclaimer: I speak for myself, not my employer.

Jack F. Vogel			jackv@seas.ucla.edu
AIX Technical Support	              - or -
Locus Computing Corp.		jackv@ifs.umich.edu

bir7@portia.Stanford.EDU (Ross Biro) (03/25/90)

In article <6734@turnkey.TCC.COM> jackv@turnkey.TCC.COM writes:
>In article <1990Mar23.200144.19010@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> brando@uiucme2.UUCP (Brando W. Brown) writes:
>>In article <834@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU> jsnyder@lehi3b15.csee.Lehigh.EDU (Jay Snyder) writes:
>>>Has anyone ported it to any i386 platform??
>>.... because I get all kinds of errors in the compilation stage of the

Under ESIX, I have been able to compile the R4 sources (I haven't tried
any of the ibm vga servers yet.)  The only problems I had with Imake and
makedepend were that I had to define a BOOTSTRAPCFLAG and that I had to
manually define USG in one of them.

Once all the clients are compiled, theoretically they should work with
the R3 server that comes with ESIX, but I haven't been able to get them
to work yet; there are some differences between the way sockets work on
ESIX and on BSD systems.

As far as the server goes, I would suggest starting with the cfb, mfb
rather than using ibm's vga.  They have all sorts of aix specific stuff
in them, and they're from ibm. 8-)

If enough people are willing to work on this, it should be possible to
come up with a "generic" SYSV/386:vga port of R4.

	Ross Biro bir7@portia.stanford.edu