greyham@hades.OZ (Greyham Stoney) (04/10/90)
We're having lots of trouble trying to get any sense out of the timezone configurations for ISC 386/ix. The manual isn't too much help, although it explains TZ format for /etc/TIMEZONE, we can't work out when /etc/TIMEZONE is supposed to be read - it doesn't seem like it's being read at all at the moment. The problem is possible complicated because we are in the Easter Hemisphere. We've come up with the following string for TZ, and stuck it in /etc/TIMEZONE, but /etc/TIMEZONE doesn't seem to be read ever. Doing a setenv TZ as per below works; but then some programs barf of the hugely complicated TZ string: Our /etc/TIMEZONE: TZ="EDT-11:00:00EST-10:00:00;70/2:00:00,280/2:00:00" export TZ The manual doesn't specify how to handle the eastern hemisphere (we do exist you know!), and we aren't sure if the negative difference values we've used will work - 'date' seems to handle it ok, but other programs aren't too convinced. Using Julian days for Daylight saving is a pain too since the change is always on a Sunday morning, so it's going to be different each year, and obviously the American dates are useless to us. Has anyone else had trouble with Timezone settings and stuff?. Anyone able to tell me when /etc/TIMEZONE is read, and how the system works in general?. Thanks, Greyham. -- /* Greyham Stoney: Australia: (02) 428 6476 * * greyham@hades.oz - Ausonics Pty Ltd, Lane Cove, Sydney, Oz. * * "BUT THAT'S JUST A BUTTON ON A STRING, BASICLY!!!" */