[net.auto] ** Seat Belts **

rb@beesvax.UUCP (02/02/84)

This has been an interesting discussion on the safety of seat belts, but
what about the cars that they are bolted to? I heard from my insurence 
agent that two Honda Civics were involved in similiar accidents on the 
same day. In  those two accidents, both low speed broadsides, one girl
was killed wearing her belt, another other girl escaped death because
she was thrown from the vechicle. I too am an advocate of seat belts,
however in the case of the Hondas, the vechicles were crushed around
their potential occupants. 

rmiller@ccvaxa.UUCP (02/09/84)

ccvaxa!rmiller    Feb  7 17:10:00 1984

the problem with saying that "in a crushable car you should not wear your
seat belt so that you can be thrown out" is that you still have to
arrange to get thrown out if you have an accident, and more, that you
don't get thrown into something even worse (like a tree, another traffic
lane, etc.). my father used to say, "never argue with anything bigger than
you" whenever we had the choice of running out in front of a truck or
waiting a bit longer. that is, quite unfortunately, the price we pay for
driving small cars (and motorcycles and bicycles). the only solution is
safer cars.
