(Peter da Silva) (05/07/90)
[software that goes around the standard system-provided interfaces] In article <1990May6.152012.14804@ddsw1.MCS.COM> karl@mcs.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) writes: > And they wonder why people don't take Unix seriously in the business > marketplace? It has nothing to do with the operating system, and everything > to do with the monkeys who program the applications for it. I call this the "PC-WARE" problem. PC-WARE is software written under an inadequate operating system and ported to an adequate one. If you think it's bad on UNIX, you should see some of the crap that IBM-PC and Atari ports try to pull on the Amiga. The most important advantage of a protected mode operating system, in my opinion, is that it forces developers to obey the rules. The only real solution I see is to go out and bulk-erase all the copies of MS-DOS and TOS in the world. Pity that really effective solutions like that are so impractical... -- `-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180. <> 'U` Have you hugged your wolf today? <> @FIN Commercial solicitation *is* accepted by email to this address.