[comp.unix.i386] Renaming/Combining of Microport and Xenix groups?

shwake@raysnec.UUCP (Ray Shwake) (05/26/90)

I could easily support a change of c.u.microport to c.u.i286, but it 
makes little sense to integrate c.u.xenix into c.u.i286. The Xenix/286
and Xenix/386 implementations are quite similar in many respects, but
differ significantly from their c.u.ix86 counterparts.

Issues regarding Microport's 386 offerings properly belong in c.u.i386,
while c.u.i286 easily cover AT&T's Simultask 286 offered on the 6300 PLUS.
I know, the latter is not familiar to many of you but trust me that its
UNIX and Merge implementations were notably better than Microport's,
though regretably they did not run on standard AT platforms.

On a somewhat different track, Microport's return is probably of most
value to those currently running their earlier offerings. What with the
current UNIX 386 offerings from Interactive, SCO and AT&T (and others)
Microport's return is a back-page story.

chip@tct.uucp (Chip Salzenberg) (05/26/90)

[[ Followups to news.groups. ]]

According to tvf@cci632.UUCP (Tom Frauenhofer):
>I would be willing to run a request for discussion/call for votes on
>renaming comp.unix.microport to comp.unix.i286, possibly merging
>comp.unix.xenix into their (I understand that the latter may not be
>feasible, since xenix is a 386 product as well).

A discussion on reorganizing the comp.unix hierarchy has been
progressing in news.groups for quite some time.  Everyone is welcome
to join the discussion there.

When the comp.unix.sco vote is over, I will issue a Call For
Discussion on the comp.unix reorganization proposal outlined below,
with whatever changes may arise due to discussion before then.  I do
not want my proposal confused with comp.unix.sco, which is why I'm
waiting until c.u.s blows over.
So far, we have the following proposals.  Please make comment by
followup article or E-Mail, as you think appropriate.

Please note that when voting time comes, each voter will have to give
a "yes" or "no" answer on each group to be created or renamed.  The
guidelines do not permit one overall vote for multiple groups.

  comp.unix.admin           Unix system administration.
  comp.unix.dos-under-unix  MS-DOS under Unix: VP/ix, Merge/386, etc.
  comp.unix.large-scale     Unix in the large: mainframes, large networks.
  comp.unix.misc            Miscellaneous Unix discussion.
  comp.unix.xenix386        Xenix on the '386.

 comp.unix.questions -->
  comp.unix.newusers        Questions from, answers for new users of Unix.
 comp.unix.microport -->
  comp.unix.sysv286         Unix System V on the '286.
 comp.unix.i386 -->
  comp.unix.sysv386         Unix System V on the '386.

Leave unchanged:
  comp.unix                 Miscellaneous Unix discussion. (Moderated)
  comp.unix.wizards         Esoteric discussions of obscure Unix issues.
  comp.unix.xenix           Xenix from SCO and others, but not Xenix/386.
Chip, the new t.b answer man    <chip%tct@ateng.com>, <uunet!ateng!tct!chip>

tvf@cci632.UUCP (Tom Frauenhofer) (05/27/90)

Given the discussion going on news.groups, I hereby recall my request for
a head count on renaming comp.unix.microport.
Thomas V. Frauenhofer	...!rutgers!rochester!kodak!swamps!!frau!tvf *or*
...!uunet!atexnet!kodak!swamps!frau!tvf (tvf@frau, tvf@cci632)   WA2YYW
"What's a gourmand?  I'll tell you, he's a P-I-G pig!"
                                       - Justin Wilson