[net.auto] Horror Stories II: Driving with one hand

knutson@ut-ngp.UUCP (Jim Knutson) (02/18/84)

Can anyone out there relate any horror stories they have seen or heard
that had to do with driving with one hand?  I have been trying to convince
my wife that she needs to drive with two hands and not just hook her fingers
over the bottom of the steering wheel.  It wasn't so much of a problem when
we drove our Capri (it took two hands to handle it anyway), but the
power assist steering on our new Camry makes it too easy.  What can I do?
Jim Knutson
ARPA: knutson@ut-ngp
UUCP: {ihnp4,seismo,kpno,ctvax}!ut-sally!ut-ngp!knutson