dave@ucms.UUCP (Dave Settle) (06/29/90)
We have recently acquired a Unisys 6000/55, which is an i386-based machine, running UNIX V.3.2. Unfortunately, the kernel appears to have a bug in the tty driver, which results in programs eventually being unable to open the tty port, even when using O_NDELAY in the open call. So, the code fragment: fd = open("/dev/tty304", O_RDWR | O_NDELAY); will hang indefinately. The problem goes away when the machine is rebooted. Unisys in the UK have been 'unable to reproduce the problem', and are refusing to take it any further unless we pay them substantial amounts of money. So ... does anyone out there have a PD tty driver, which is likely to work with the Unisys port of UNIX V.3.2? Or any suggestions? Or even a non-PD tty driver? Please reply via mail, as I'm too busy fixing the modems to read the news regularly :-). Cheers, Dave. -- Dave Settle, Universal (CMS) Ltd, Thames Tower, Burleys Way, Leicester, UK. dave@ucms.co.uk (someday) uunet.uu.net!mcvax!ukc!nott-cs!ucms!dave dave@ucms.uucp (today) To see a World in a grain of Sand / And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And Eternity in an hour. [Blake]