root@fincomp.UUCP (Superuser) (08/01/90)
I hope I'm in the correct group for this question- Can a second hard disk controller card be added to SCO UNIX System V/386 allowing 4 total hard drives? I'm using an Adaptec RLL controller now, and need some more disk space. Adding a 2nd card would let me use parts on hand. The manual seems to hint that this is possible, but I can't seem to find the correct pages. Any pointers would be helpful. I wish I could go to SCSI or ESDI but there don't seem to be enough $$$$$ lying around. Thanks! uucp: uunet!mjbtn!fincomp!neal | "When in danger or in doubt - run in internet: | circles, scream and shout!" Neal McClain | Robert A Heinlein Murfreesboro, TN |