[comp.unix.i386] what's the "best" *ix for this machine?

heiser@tdw201.ed.ray.com (08/07/90)

I know this is probably subject to lots of debate, but I'll try ...

I am building a 386 clone and want to run a Unix on it.  I'm interested
in getting the *ix version that will be the most likely to run successfully
on this system, and which will allow me to compile/run the widest selection
of p/d Usenet-obtained software, especially ones such as news, rn, bbs
software, etc.

The hardware is as follows:

I have gotten the motherboard, the rest is still in the works:

80386-DX/25 Mhz machine
Chips chipset
AMI 04/09/90 BIOS (with shadowing, etc, but no cache) (I'm on a budget)
8 MB of 70ns 1mb DRAMS, possibly to be upgraded further in this area
SCSI controller (not sure which one yet, suggestions?)
SCSI disk(s)    (again, not sure which one yet, any suggestions?)
  Unless I can find a great bargain on a 300mb or so disk, I'll be starting
  with one in the 100 mb range.   (can I also use my mfm controller and st-251
  until I can get more scsi disks?)
VGA card (ATI VGA wonder, have already, with 512K)
multisync monitor
1.2" and 3.5" floppies
All of the above in a tower case (yet to be picked out)

I'm specifically interested in any things to watch out for (known 
incompatibilities) with the above m/b.  (the price was right, so I have
to work with this one)

Thanks for any suggestions, comments, etc, on the above.

Bill Heiser
	Work:   heiser@tdw201.ed.ray.com
	Home:   Bill.Heiser@f240.n322.z1.fidonet.org (Fidonet 1:322/240)
		The Think_Tank BBS (508)655-3848  1200/2400/9600-HST
	Other:  75106.2332@compuserve.com
	Other:	heiser@world.std.com     (Public Access Unix)