[comp.unix.i386] hardware control / SCO Unix

root@grumbly.UUCP (rb duc) (08/26/90)

Does anyone know anything about whether SCO Unix can take advantage of
high speed serial UARTs (NS16550AFN, etc) and hardware flow control?

I've heard FAS drivers mentioned for Interactive - can someone expound
on this.

Thank you muchly

 - -   Richard Ducoty                                ..uunet!grumbly!root
 _]    Capitola, California                            root@grumbly.com

vlr@litwin.com (Vic Rice) (08/28/90)

root@grumbly.UUCP (rb duc) writes:

>Does anyone know anything about whether SCO Unix can take advantage of
>high speed serial UARTs (NS16550AFN, etc) and hardware flow control?

>I've heard FAS drivers mentioned for Interactive - can someone expound
>on this.

First question: No, the standard SCO serial drivers do not take advantage
	        of the FIFO buffer in the NS16550AFN UART.
Second question: I took a brief stab at getting the FAS driver working
                 under SCO UNIX 3.2.1. I had no success. I hasten to add
                 I am not an expert at these matters. If anyone was able to
		 get this driver working under SCO's Unix, I would
		 love to hear about it.

Dr. Victor L. Rice
Litwin Process Automation

md@sco.COM (Michael Davidson) (08/29/90)

vlr@litwin.com (Vic Rice) writes:

>root@grumbly.UUCP (rb duc) writes:

>>Does anyone know anything about whether SCO Unix can take advantage of
>>high speed serial UARTs (NS16550AFN, etc) and hardware flow control?

>First question: No, the standard SCO serial drivers do not take advantage
>	        of the FIFO buffer in the NS16550AFN UART.

Actually SCO UNIX System V/386 release 3.2 version 2 which is now
shipping *does* take advantage of 16550 FIFOs - this was one of
the features added in SCO 3.2.2