UH2@psuvm.psu.edu (Lee Sailer) (07/07/90)
I am trying to use a terminal emulator called VLT to emulate a vt100 and a Tektronix 4105 to get SAS/Graph output over a 1200 baud modem from and IBM mainframe running CMS. Basically, my problem *seems* to be that VLT doesn't jump into Tek mode when the graphics output starts. My guess is that I am missing something obvious. Hope someone can help. Here's what I am doing... I run SAS in batch using the CMS command R; SAS PLOT where PLOT SAS contains the following: Options Linesize=72; Goptions device=tek4105 border gwait=5 baud=1200 ; DATA stuff; DO X=0 TO 100 ; Y = X + RANNOR(145)*10; output; END; proc print data=stuff; PROC GPLOT data=stuff; PLOT Y*X='+' ; run; SAS prints the usual messages on the terminal, and then spews a bunch of binary gibberish on the screen, which I suppose are the commands to the TEKtronix terminal. This is followed by normal SAS job termination messages. There are no errors in the log, or anything. I expected VLT to jump into TEK mode when it received some sort of TEK initialize message from SAS, but it doesn't. I've also tried to manually jump to TEK mode at just the right moment, but so far my timing hasn't been good. So, what am I (obviously) missing??? BTW. According to the VLT docs, it has been extensively tested with SAS at the labs where it was developed (SLAC, I think, or Livermore).
HDK@psuvm.psu.edu (H. D. Knoble) (07/10/90)
I am unable to comment on the VLT emulator you're using (for your IBM PC or compatible presumably). MS-Kermit does not have this problem. The problem may be that your SAS Graphics application does not know how to send the proper ASCII sequence transparently; issue HELP SSIO to see how to send transparent sequences through the Yale IUP), or use the LINEMODE exec to avoid the necessity of transparency (see below). Automation of switching emulation from a VT320 (superset of VT100) to TEK4010/4014 terminal may be controlled via a MS-Kermit SET subcommand (SET TERM TEK ENABLED is the default and this means the terminal type switch will be automatic when the correct ASCII sequence is received). To send send the TEK ON sequence transparently through the Yale IUP is a bit tricky; SAS does it; Minitab uses LINEMODE; and if you want to experiment you can easily create a simple exec, say TEKON EXEC as follows: e.g. /* Issue Tektronix ON sequence to MS-Kermit VT320 Emulator */ address '' 'EXEC LINEMODE ON PROMPT OFF' Tekon='270C'x say Tekon say 'Press the Enter Key to display the plot; then' say 'Press Alt-minus to return to normal screen...' /* Eventually you may wish to EXEC LINEMODE OFF' to exit linemode. */ exit You can also issue PRODUCT KERMIT and look at the file MSVIBM TEK for technical information and extensions about the real Tektronix devices emulated by MS-Kermit. Issue HELP KERMIT SUPPLEMENT for information on obtaining MS-Kermit 3.02 and the PSU CAC Supplemental Distribution (including scripts to autoconnect to PSUVM and LIAS). The READ.ME file distributed within the self-unloading * EXEBIN files on the Kermit Product Disk gives about 80 lines of prose examples for doing host graphics via MS-Kermit. In case it may be helpful, you may wish also to view the PSU CAC example files: GSAMPLE SAS & MSKERM SAS (companions) and GSAMPLE MIC (MINITABC) & MSKERM MID (MINITABD) which are distributed with our MS-Kermit Supplemental Distribution and which are on the Kermit Product Disk on VM/CMS. Note that the Minitab example does not leave graphics mode automatically; this allows one to make a .TIF file (by pressing Ctrl-End, a new MS-Kermit hot key that copies a host screen to KERMIT.SCN if it is text and to TEKPLTnn.TIF if the screen is graphics). Instructions for running host graphics with MS-Kermit are in leading comments of the GSAMPLE files, and more detailed in the READ.ME file cited above. The drivers MSKERM.SAS and MSKERM.MID are also instructional to view.