stanwyck@ihuxr.UUCP (Don Stanwyck) (03/08/84)
On I-80 (amd maybe US 50) there is a test area that the gov't put in a few years ago to test the concept of legalizing the long practiced action of truckers speeding up on the way down hill if it immediately led to an uphill. They even made it legal for trucks (NOT cars) to go up to 65 mph on the downhill. It may be that the signs you saw were from that test. The test may still be going on. I think they were testing to see if there were more accidents if you let truckers speed, and it may take time to gather enough stats. -- ________ ( ) Don Stanwyck @( o o )@ 312-979-3062 ( || ) Cornet-367-3062 ( \__/ ) ihnp4!ihuxr!stanwyck (______) Bell Labs @ Naperville, IL
marc@genrad.UUCP (Marc Smith) (03/08/84)
The mountains of North Carolina have similar signs, usually not quite as well worded. I imagine that it would be an interesting ride down a mountain in a truck with no brakes, even for the cars he passes on his trip to eternity. Did they also have turn-off places filled with loose sand so the truck can plow through to safely stop? The staties get realled p*ssed when you stop in front of one of them. -- [decvax!genrad!]marc smith GenRad, Inc. Bolton Mass
kds@intelca.UUCP (Ken Shoemaker) (03/12/84)
Driving back from Lake Tahoe yesterday, I noticed (for the umteenth time) the set of signs coming down the mountain that are labeled truck sign test (well, there is a picture of a truck on them). They are labeled with words such as rest stop ahead, take 10, let 'em cool -or- upgrade ahead, crank up I have never seen any signs like these anywhere else, and though they are labeled as a test, they have been up for at least 3 years (maybe the test ran out of money, and couldn't afford to take them down?) Anyway, were these "successful" and do they live anywhere else out there? -- Ken Shoemaker, Intel, Santa Clara, Ca. {pur-ee,hplabs,ucbvax!amd70,ogcvax!omsvax}!intelca!kds