[gnu.g++.lib.bug] Possible bug with Integer Class

gordon%stats.ucl.ac.uk@NSS.CS.UCL.AC.UK (Gordon Joly) (04/11/89)

Config.g++ sun3, no FPA used at all. G++ 1.34.2, libg++ 1.34.0
all with gcc 1.34. On SUN3-/160, I get the following.

karl:/stats/staff/karl/gordon/c++/otto/table.gnu[17] g++ -c fib.try.cc
In function struct Integer fib (int):
fib.try.cc:17: aggregate type mismatch in conditional expression
karl:/stats/staff/karl/gordon/c++/otto/table.gnu[18] cat !$
cat fib.try.cc
// Example for B11b - of use of tables.
// A memo-ising function - using doubly recursive fibonacci as example
//					G. P. Otto, 1987

#include	"table.h"

static table fibresults;			// table of known results

fib(int n)
	Integer res = fibresults.lookup(n);	// lookup answer
	if (!fibresults.lastlookupOK){		// if not yet known
/* BUG? */	res = (n < 2)? Integer(1) : (fib(n-1) + fib(n-2));	// calculate it
		fibresults.insert(n,res);		// and note the result

// PS didn't use "dispose"!

karl:/stats/staff/karl/gordon/c++/otto/table.gnu[19] cat table.cc
// a simple "table" class, written for B11b by G. P. Otto, 1987
// The data-type for "keytype" is almost arbitrary, but you must be able
// to check equality.  (Actually assume that "==" works for keys.)
// IMPORTANT: the hash function needs to be re-designed for some different
// types & frequencies of keys.  (See below.)

// The implementation used here uses a hash table, with chaining for
// overflow.  (i.e. Have an array of lists which the data can be stored
// in - we use a "hash" function to transform the key into an array
// index, and then store that data on that list.  In this implementation,
// the lists are not ordered.)
// If the hash function distributes the data around the lists reasonably,
// then the access & update operations are O((# items in table)/(size of
// hash table)) - however, worst possible case is O(# items in table).
// Thus, picking a good hash function is vital for good performance.
// See (e.g.) Sedgewick or Knuth.

#include	<stream.h>		// for error messages
#include	"table.h"

// for readability ...
static const true = 1;
static const false = 0;

// and now, the code for the functions.  See header for descriptions
//  of what they do

	// init all the lists
	for (int i = 0; i < hash_tab_size; i++)
		list[i] = 0;
	lastlookupOK = false;		// since it didn't succeed!
					//  (somewhat arbitary)

	// delete all the lists ...
	for (int i = 0; i < hash_tab_size; i++)
		while (list[i] != 0){
			cell *p = list[i];
			list[i] = list[i]->next;
			delete p;

// hash function - maps keys as evenly as possible into the range
// [0, has_tab_size)

static int
hash(keytype k)
	return ((unsigned int)k % hash_tab_size);
		// coercion to unsigned guarantees a non-negative answer

table::insert(keytype k, datumtype d)
	int i = hash(k);		// index of list to work on

	// check whether already item with that key
	for (cell *p = list[i]; p != 0; p = p->next){
		if (p->key == k){		// if there is
			p->datum = d;		//  overwrite previous
			return;			//  and return
	// otherwise, insert item, if there is room
	p = new cell;
	if (p != 0){
		p->key = k;
		p->datum = d;
		p->next = list[i];
		list[i] = p;
	} else {
		cerr << "ERROR: insert failed - can't get space for new data\n";

table::lookup(keytype k)
	for (cell *p = list[hash(k)]; p != 0; p = p->next){
		if (p->key == k){
			lastlookupOK = true;
	lastlookupOK = false;
	datumtype d;
	return d;		// return something, anyway

table::dispose(keytype k)
	int	i = hash(k);	// index of list to work on
	cell *cur;	// will point to cell whose key is being examined
	cell *prev;	// will point to the previous cell, if any

	for (cur=list[i], prev=0; cur != 0; prev=cur, cur=cur->next){
		if (cur->key == k){
			 * now want to remove the item pointed to by p
			 *  from the list.
			if (prev == 0){		// at beginning of list
				list[i] = cur->next;
			} else {
				prev->next = cur->next;
			delete cur;
	// if we get here, the item wasn't in the table, so nothing to do

tower@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (04/21/89)

   Config.g++ sun3, no FPA used at all. G++ 1.34.2, libg++ 1.34.0
   all with gcc 1.34. On SUN3-/160, I get the following.
   karl:/stats/staff/karl/gordon/c++/otto/table.gnu[17] g++ -c fib.try.cc
   In function struct Integer fib (int):
   fib.try.cc:17: aggregate type mismatch in conditional expression
   karl:/stats/staff/karl/gordon/c++/otto/table.gnu[18] cat !$
   cat fib.try.cc
   // Example for B11b - of use of tables.
   // A memo-ising function - using doubly recursive fibonacci as example
   //					G. P. Otto, 1987
   #include	"table.h"
   static table fibresults;			// table of known results
   fib(int n)
	   Integer res = fibresults.lookup(n);	// lookup answer
	   if (!fibresults.lastlookupOK){		// if not yet known
   /* BUG? */	res = (n < 2)? Integer(1) : (fib(n-1) + fib(n-2));	// calculate it
		   fibresults.insert(n,res);		// and note the result
I can tell you why you get this error: because Integer(1) returns an
object of type Integer, and Integer+Integer returns an object of type
IntTmp.  I will fix the compiler to deal with this problem.  In the
mean time, I am not sure whether I should have the compiler try to
guess what it is supposed to do, or to suggest that you cast the
result of the + operator to Integer.  I will fix the compiler to give
a more instructive error message.

Aside to dl: this is what happens when classes get too smart...
