[gnu.g++.lib.bug] possible bug in tFile.cc

ham@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Peter R. Ham) (12/07/89)

libg++-1.36.1 on the DecStation 3100

I needed to add the line:


to the last line of the main program in tFile.cc in order to flush all
of the pending output to the standard output.  I think that this is
not supposed to be necessary because some "\n" 's are output, too. Is
exit() supposed to flush these buffers also? Anyway this flush should
be added or I need to do more debugging to find out why streams don't
work right for me.

Peter Ham			PO Box 3430	(h)(415) 322-4390
MS Computer Science Student	Stanford, CA	ham@cs.stanford.edu
Stanford University 		94309		(o)(415) 723-2067