[gnu.g++.lib.bug] ligb++-1.36.1 bug in test0 on Pyramids.

jonathan@COMP.VUW.AC.NZ (12/18/89)

Test0 fails to run on machines that do not allow the data segment to
be executed (for example, Pyramids running OSx 4.n).

The following diff fixes this problem on a Pyramid.

*** test.hello.cc.DIST	Thu Nov  9 00:28:31 1989
--- test.hello.cc	Mon Dec 18 13:18:39 1989
*** 20,25 ****
--- 20,35 ----
+ #ifdef __pyr__
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ extern "C" {
+   int
+   mprotect (char *, int, int);
+ }
+ #endif
  class tfile
*** 101,106 ****
--- 111,128 ----
    read (fd, (char*) init_fn, size);
    close (fd);
+  {
+    void * rounded_size = (void *) ((size + pagsiz-1)&~(pagsiz-1));
+    int status = mprotect ((char*)init_fn, round_size,
+    if (status !=0 ) {
+      perror ("making dynamically loaded code executable");
+      exit(errno);
+    }
+ }
+ #endif /* MUST_MPROTECT */
    fprintf (stderr, "load symbol-table at address 0x%x\n", init_fn);