hackeron@athena.mit.edu (Harris L Gilliam) (02/16/89)
****************************************************************************** F O R S A L E Commodore 64 system ------------------- MSD SD-2 Dual Disk Drive With Serial and IEEE-488 connectors Bus Card II Parallel Printer and IEEE-488 Interface W/ IEEE-488 Cable for Disk drive Commodore 64 Home Computer Amdek Color-I 13" Color Monitor W/ Cable to connect to C64 Total Package Price: $ 500.00 Including Shipping and Handling Also Included: Simon's Basic W/ Docs Easy Script Word Processor W/ Spelling Checker and Docs Approximately 20 Disk full of Software (Games, Copiers, Disk Utilities, Graphics and Sound Progs, etc.) Spare C64 power Supply ***************************************************************************** | Harris L. Gilliam () 4 Ames St. Cambridge MA 02139 | | Internet : hackeron@athena.mit.edu () hgilliam@media-lab.media.mit.edu | | UUCP : {backbone..}!mit-eddie!mit-athena!hackeron | |For every complex problem,there's a solution that's simple,neat,and wrong.|