[athena.forsale] Games for sale

abennett@athena.mit.edu (Andrew Bennett) (05/03/91)

Several games, all for the Mac:

     Breach $15.00

     Defender of the Crown $10.00

     Gemstone Warrior $15.00

     Harrier Strike Mission: $10.00

     Uninvited: $20.00

     Skyfox: $15.00

     Strategic Conquest 1.2: $5.00

     Strategic Conquest 2.0: $15.00

     Grid Wars: $15.00

Plus postage, if applicable.

Also willing to swap for "Spaceward Ho!"


Andrew Bennett             MIT Network Services                 abennett@mit.edu
MIT Room 11-124H                                   abennett%athena@mitvma.bitnet
77 Massachusetts Ave.                                      Phone: (617) 253-7174
Cambridge, MA  02139                                <Standard disclaimers apply>
"In the Morning, Laughing Happy Fish Heads,
                                          In the Evening, Floating in the Soup!"