[aus.computers.amiga] Replacement MotherBoard for the Amiga 1000

anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz (Anthony Lee) (11/03/89)

I got this message from a friend:

:*********  ****    ****  ******   ******** ******      **** ***** ****     ****
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:              The Replacement MotherBoard for the Amiga 1000
:              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           
:  Commodore have been working on the Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) for months now.
:  You must have heard about it. One megabyte of chip RAM, Blitter operations of
:  up to 32x32K (a 1024 times improvement), a PRODUCTIVITY mode of 512 lines
:  (400 NTSC) non-interlaced, a SUPER-HIRES mode of up to 1280 pixels across
:  the screen on a standard monitor.
:  The software (KickStart 1.4) and hardware to make all this possible is soon
:  to be released. Fantastic, right?
:  Wrong.
:  Commodore have now made it official that the Amiga 1000 has been dropped.
:  The ECS will not work in the 1000. A500/A2000 only. YOU know the 1000 is a
:  great machine, I know the 1000 is a great machine, but Commodore?
:  So now you are considering your options. One megabyte of chip RAM means you
:  can now run your drawing program in the 640x512 16 colour mode, and still
:  have the undo and alternate page options available to you. 32x32K blits means
:  faster operations in graphics programs, games, and any operations that make
:  use of the Blitter. And the only way all this is possible is if you sell your
:  old, faithful 1000, and buy a 500 or a 2000.
:  Not so.
:  Andrew Wilson, the original developer of the popular Proton memory boards,
:  now making the even more popular 8-meg memory board, has a design plan for
:  a REPLACEMENT Amiga 1000 MotherBoard.
: The PHOENIX BOARD will include :
:    -    FULL SUPPORT for the ECS Chip Set.
:    -    The ability to use your existing expansion connector peripherals.
:    -    Up to 2 Megabytes of switchable RAM on the main board.
:    -    Up to 10 megabytes of INTERNAL, switchable autoconfiguring RAM using
:         an 8 Meg daughterboard.
:    -    INTERNAL Real Time Clock and Calendar (500/2000 compatible).
:    -    Provision for up to three INTERNAL KickStart ROMs, allowing
:         SWITCHING between KickStart 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, including provision for
:         INTERNAL KickStart EPROMs allowing customised KickStarts.
:    -    INTERNAL Disk Drive Connector allowing internal fitting of DF1:, DF2:,
:         and DF3: (if fitted in a larger case.) 
:    -    Drive swap switch to allow booting off other disk drives.
:    -    A500/2000 style switchable Audio Filter.
:    -    INTERNAL space for a 68881 maths coprocessor.
:    -    FULL B2000 style VIDEO SLOT.
:    -    One Amiga 2000 slot, allowing an 2000 board to be plugged in, or a 
:         2000 type multi-slot backplane to be used. (Only in a bigger case)
:    -    Provision for a SCSI Port for Hard Disk, CD ROM etc.
:                                  1 OF 3          1.05
:    -    Support for 68020/030 and 32 bit RAM/ROM.  
:    -    KickStart in RAM as per existing 1000.
:         If you have other features that you think should be included, please
:         write them down and send to the address below. We will not be able to
:         put much more on the board but simple, useful things will be of
:         benefit to all. 
:   The expected price of the PHOENIX BOARD is $600 with 1 Meg of RAM. The board
:  will also be available bare if possible. A trade-in on the old A1000 is also
:  a possibility. The A1000 chips such as the 68000 processor, Denise and Paula 
:  custom chips and CIAs will be reused to reduce costs, all other chips will
:  be supplied.
:    The PHOENIX BOARD will be a complete drop in replacement for the existing
:  motherboard and will enable you to continue to use your existing external 
:  hardware. We will maintain the position of the 68000 chip in relation to the
:  case internal fittings so that internal memory boards should still work but
:  actually trying these will depend on their availability to us. The advantage
:  of retaining the A1000's keyboard, power supply and mouse will be apparent to
:  all who have compared theirs to the 500/2000 setup.
:    There is a possibility of a local installation point in each state, so you
:  will be without your computer for the least possible time if you do not feel
:  confident to install the board yourself. We welcome inquiries from suitably
:  skilled individuals or organisations to do this work.
:  The PHOENIX Board will suit all model Amiga 1000s, not just the NTSC versions,
:  and is a local, AUSTRALIAN MADE product.
:    There is one hitch. Andrew Wilson currently has over twenty products in
:  development, including an Audio/Video Digitiser, Colour Splitter, FAX Board
:  for the Amiga, SCSI Board, 68020/68881 Board, A500 Internal 2 Meg board,
:  and a Board allowing Workbench in ROM. As well as all this, he is also
:  struggling to keep up with the demand for his 8 megabyte memory boards,
:  hard drives, and other products. At present, Andrew is doing all the work
:  himself, and as a result, development has a low priority. Of course, the
:  PHOENIX BOARD is on the top of the list, but if present trends continue, it
:  could never eventuate. That's why we need YOUR help.
:  We have formed a company, SPANDUCT PTY. LTD., soon to be renamed PHOENIX
:  MICRO TECHNOLOGIES PTY. LTD., that will employ people to assemble, test and
:  market Andrew's present products, leaving Andrew to work on development.
:  The first project of the company will be the PHOENIX BOARD. Development time
:  for the PHOENIX BOARD is expected to be three to four weeks from commencement.
:  If you would seriously be interested in investing in the PHOENIX BOARD,
:  and increasing the potential of your Amiga 1000 to beyond that of even the
:  Amiga 2000, please consider helping us.
:  Place a $100 deposit on the board with us, and in less than three months, you
:  could have a new computer sitting on your desk. Of course, if enough people do
:  not place this deposit with us, the board will never eventuate, and the
:  A1000 will fade into insignificance. People placing deposits with the company
:  will receive a 20 percent discount on the price of their PHOENIX BOARD.
:  Orders will be filled in the order in which they are received, ie first come 
:  first served. A closing date for deposits has been set at the 30th of November
:  1989 at which time we will be able to assess demand and make a decision on 
:  the viability of continuing with the project. 
:  All deposits will be refunded if, due to lack of response, we do not go
:  ahead with the PHOENIX BOARD project. Once work has started no refunds will
:  be possible.  
:  The sooner you place your deposit, the sooner it will all happen.
:  Please consider helping us. You will really be helping yourself.
:                                   2 OF 3        1.05
:  Contact Andrew Wilson on :   (08) 293-3960 (6.00-7.00pm Except Friday)
:               or write to :    2 Meredyth Avenue
:                                Millswood
:                                South Australia 5034
:  Send Deposits and Orders to : Spanduct Pty Ltd
:                                P.O. Box 41
:                                Goodwood
:                                South Australia 5034
:                                   *****
:                             WIDELY AS POSSIBLE.
:                                   *****
:                                          ROSS MOLDEN.
:                                          JONATHAN POTTER.
:                                          ANDREW WILSON.
:10/10/89 Version 1.05 Subject to upgrade and improvement as the project advances
:Prices are approximate but should not vary by more than 10%.
:Please complete this form and forward with your payment to the above P.O. Box.
:I, _____________________________, wish to register an interest in the
:PHOENIX BOARD project by placing a deposit for ___ PHOENIX BOARD(S) at $100
:each. I enclose a cheque/money order for $______.
:                                   Yours sincerely,
:                                                   _______________________
:   Address : ___________________________________________
:             ___________________________________________
:   Phone     (work) :  ___ _______  (home) : ___ _______
:                                    3 OF 3        1.05

Sounds good doesn't it but before I spend money I would like to know
if anyone else have heard of this before.  Better still anyone in
South Australia care to comment or to ring Andrew Wilson.

Please reply by email
I might followup later if there's enough response.

cheers Anthony

Anthony Lee (Humble PhD student) (Alias Time Lord Doctor) 
ACSnet:	anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz	TEL:(+617) 3712651
Internet: anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au	    (+617) 3774139 (w)
SNAIL: Dept Comp. Science, University of Qld, St Lucia, Qld 4067, Australia

anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz (Anthony Lee) (11/09/89)

anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz (Anthony Lee) writes:

[a lot of stuff deleted about the Phoenix board]

>:  Contact Andrew Wilson on :   (08) 293-3960 (6.00-7.00pm Except Friday)
>:               or write to :    2 Meredyth Avenue
>:                                Millswood
>:                                South Australia 5034

>Please reply by email
>I might followup later if there's enough response.

I am so stupid, I didn't realised that so many people would be interested.
Please don't send me anymore email, if you are interested why not ring
Andrew Wilson youself, I haven't try to ring him yet but I'll today.
If I find out anymore then I'll let everybody know, alternatively if
you ring him then tell us what he said.  What I am worry about is that
if I have to pull out chips from my old board, which one do I need,
and would I have to do any soldering.  Would there be someone in Brisbane
who will be willing to do the work for a small fee ?

cheers Anthony

P.S.  I just find out that one of the author of the article got email
access, his address is jonathan_potter%680.805@fidogate.fido.oz.
I don't know him, and I don't know how much he like being bombarded with

Anthony Lee (Humble PhD student) (Alias Time Lord Doctor) 
ACSnet:	anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz	TEL:(+617) 3712651
Internet: anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au	    (+617) 3774139 (w)
SNAIL: Dept Comp. Science, University of Qld, St Lucia, Qld 4067, Australia