[aus.computers.amiga] Amiga OS in `Byte' January 1991

soh@shiva.trl.oz (kam hung soh) (02/28/91)

There is an article titled: `The Object-Oriented Amiga Exec' by Tim
Holloway in `Byte' Jan 1991.  It is basically a very high level
overview (a tautology, I'll bet) of the OS that others love to hate:
Exec.  Featured separately as a "Best Product for 1990" is the

I've noticed recently that `Byte' includes a token Amiga article every
month.  These articles often demonstrate how backward the PC-clones
and Macs are, especially when they refer to Amiga features which are
only otherwise available for a very high price.  I remember spotting
an article in a DTP magazine an article about the Mac with a sub-title
that sounded like, "Why can't your 68030 Macintosh perform animation
like the 68000 Amiga?"  The author concluded that for just $10,000
more, animation is possible!  Snicker, snicker.


Soh, Kam Hung      email: h.soh@trl.oz.au     tel: +61 03 541 6403 
Telecom Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 249, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia