[ut.ee] Cider Seminar THURSDAY 20th

dunc@eecg.toronto.edu (Duncan Elliott) (04/17/89)

             Electrical Engineering Computer Group
                     Cider Seminar Series

      A Transparent Fault-Tolerant Computing Environment

                          Timothy Mok
             Electrical Engineering Computer Group
                     University of Toronto

    Time: Thursday, April 20, 1989, 12:05 --- Place: GB 220

       The high  cost  of  specialized  hardware  and  software
  development  has  limited the use of fault tolerant computing
  technology to a small number of highly critical applications.
  This  talk  describes  the  design  of  a  low  cost reliable
  computer system  that  provides  transparent  fault  tolerant
  support to application programs.

       About half of  this  seminar  will  be  based  upon  the
  presenter's  thesis.   The  remainder will relate experiences
  constructing the  prototype  (FTDUNIX),  and  raise  unsolved
  issues which are potential thesis topics.

                          Coming Soon

  Date           Who                               Topic

April 28   Mike van de Pan   Designing Controllers for Articulated
                             Figure Animation, or ``How to Make a Lamp Jump''
May 2      Tet Yeap          A Neural Network for Temporal Pattern Recognition
May 5      Prof. Wortman     Adventures in Concurrent Compilation

  Duncan Elliott, Dept. EE, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 1A5
  dunc@eecg.toronto.edu  dunc@eecg.utoronto.ca  uunet!utai!eecg!dunc
  LAT: 43 39' 35.9"N  LON: 79 23' 41.7"W ELEVATION: 349.30          VE3PKD