[ut.ee] Instructors wanted for CSC104s and DCS Summer Session

mart@csri.toronto.edu (Mart Molle) (11/16/89)

CSC 104S:
There are still openings in the Spring term teaching schedule for
instructors in two sections of CSC 104s, taught Wednesdays and
Fridays from 10 to 11 a.m.  on the St. George campus.  If you are
interested in teaching this course, please apply now.  Your
application to teach this course will not jeopardize your chances
of being chosen to teach a summer course.

Summer Session:
We are also starting to search for lecturers for the 1989 summer
session.  Subject to the availability of well-qualified
instructors, we will offer one section of each of the following
courses on the St. George campus next summer:

        104, 108, 148, 158, 228, 238, 258, 324, 364, 378.

I already have an instructor for CSC 238.  If you would like to
teach one (or more) of the other courses, please let me know by
November 24.  In addition, if you wish to propose we teach a
course not listed above, we will consider it.

Classes for summer courses begin May 14 and end August 10, with a
reading week (i.e., no classes) from July 2 to July 6 and a one-
week exam period August 13--17.  All summer courses are taught in
the evening, with two lecture hours and a tutorial (if given) on
the same night.  We do not yet know on which night each course
will be taught.

Faculty members will receive the usual financial compensation for
``overload'' teaching.  Although the amount is not yet set, it
will likely be about $3,500.  Alternatively, if there is a
shortage of well-qualified instructors, there is a possibility
that regular faculty may exchange teaching a course in the 1990
summer session for teaching one during the regular 1990-91
academic year.  Such an exchange, though, must be approved by
Woodsworth College, as it involves a significantly larger cost to

All non-faculty should briefly indicate their qualifications for
teaching the course(s) of their choice.  In addition, graduate
students, postdocs and research associates should check their
eligibility to teach a course next summer before submitting an
application.  As you know, there are restrictions on the number
of hours you are allowed to work per year.  In particular,
graduate students who receive financial support from DCS
(including NSERC and OGS awards) are permitted to work at most
200 hours during any 12 month period, although we are flexible in
setting year ends to help students meet this requirement.  Also,
if we are unable to find other well-qualified instructors, you
may be granted an exemption from this rule.  Remember that
tutoring a half-course and teaching one counts for 54 and 135
working hours, respectively.  Graduate students in doubt about
how such restrictions affect them, should check with Teresa Miao;
postdocs and research associates should check with their research

Also, all graduate students, postdocs and research associates
should check with their research supervisor before applying for a
teaching position to see whether or not she/he feels that their
teaching a course at this time would be detrimental to their
research progress.  Your getting prior approval will expedite
matters, since the department will make a similar query before
appointing you to teach a course.

Submit applications by e-mail to mart@csri

Mart L. Molle
Associate Chairman
Department of Computer Science