[comp.sys.cdc] New or modified files for September on ANONYMOUS

lusol@vax1.cc.lehigh.edu (10/01/90)

New or modified files for September 1990 on CDC1.CC.Lehigh.EDU (,
User Name ANONYMOUS, Password GUEST:

  . CYBER-L messages from September 1989 through September 1990.
  . NOS/VE Terminal Definition for an MS-DOS machine using CUTCP/CUTE 2.2
    TCP/IP software, as well as the key definition file.  The function key
    assignment is essentially identical to PC_CONNECT and PCKERM.
  . A simple NS_LOOKUP command for FINGER_COOKIE_AND_SQTP.
  . UNIX C Simple Queue Transfer Protocol clients IP, IQ, OP and OQ.

anonymous                             19,527,237 bytes in 5 files and 6 catalogs
  chunk                                  171,940 bytes in 6 files
    chunk_ansi_fortran_source             29,694 bytes
    chunk_cybil_source                    45,367 bytes
    chunk_c_source                        34,220 bytes
    chunk_nos_fortran_source              29,620 bytes
    chunk_ve_fortran_source               32,062 bytes
    read_me                                  977 bytes
  cyber_l                              4,053,332 bytes in 1 file and 5 catalogs
    $1986                                489,073 bytes in 9 files
      august                              31,685 bytes
      december                            47,589 bytes
      infocdc_index                        5,648 bytes
      infocdc_june                       141,078 bytes
      july                                30,948 bytes
      june                                50,968 bytes
      november                            37,276 bytes
      october                             43,519 bytes
      september                          100,362 bytes
    $1987                                493,647 bytes in 12 files
      april                               17,197 bytes
      august                              10,169 bytes
      december                            67,997 bytes
      february                            47,270 bytes
      january                             62,634 bytes
      july                                25,636 bytes
      june                                62,151 bytes
      march                               21,517 bytes
      may                                 46,408 bytes
      november                            28,098 bytes
      october                             31,586 bytes
      september                           72,984 bytes
    $1988                                652,575 bytes in 12 files
      april                               48,308 bytes
      august                              87,328 bytes
      december                            71,225 bytes
      february                            33,861 bytes
      january                             43,365 bytes
      july                                78,682 bytes
      june                                70,901 bytes
      march                               36,633 bytes
      may                                 36,523 bytes
      november                            54,085 bytes
      october                             34,589 bytes
      september                           57,075 bytes
    $1989                              1,370,825 bytes in 12 files
      april                              234,501 bytes
      august                             212,977 bytes in 2 cycles
      --  cycle 2                        108,938 bytes
      --  cycle 1                        104,039 bytes
      december                            78,894 bytes
      february                            83,575 bytes
      january                            102,314 bytes
      july                                79,516 bytes
      june                                59,672 bytes
      march                              129,317 bytes
      may                                152,160 bytes
      november                            84,064 bytes
      october                            103,139 bytes
      september                           50,696 bytes
    $1990                                894,203 bytes in 9 files
      april                              294,291 bytes
      august                              31,523 bytes
      february                            86,298 bytes
      january                             54,646 bytes
      july                                33,140 bytes
      june                                33,879 bytes
      march                              132,141 bytes
      may                                 80,263 bytes
      september                          148,022 bytes in cycle 2
    cyber_l_index                        153,009 bytes in cycle 7
  directory_of_anonymous                  14,332 bytes
  directory_tree_diagram                   1,575 bytes
  disclaimer                                 920 bytes
  help                                     1,418 bytes
  nos                                  2,790,090 bytes in 1 file and 3 catalogs
    applications                       1,999,382 bytes in 2 files and 5 catalogs
      aunt_and_uncle                     825,158 bytes in 8 files
        aunt_doc                           4,260 bytes
        aunt_modpl_encoded               180,905 bytes
        printer_ccl_encoded                2,126 bytes
        uncle_doc                         77,055 bytes
        uncle_exe_encoded                130,266 bytes
        uncle_obtain                       3,654 bytes
        uncle_part1_encoded              213,194 bytes
        uncle_part2_encoded              213,698 bytes
      calc_ftn5                          169,091 bytes
      ching                              109,564 bytes in 2 files
        chingt_data                       85,092 bytes
        ching_compass                     24,472 bytes
      daf_noscybl_encoded                 25,557 bytes
      dcalc                               30,941 bytes in 2 files
        dcalc_doc                          5,098 bytes
        dcalc_ftn5                        25,843 bytes
      nam_print_spooler                  344,442 bytes in 4 files
        spooler_obtain                     5,240 bytes
        spooler_part1_encoded            112,914 bytes
        spooler_part2_encoded            113,160 bytes
        spooler_part3_encoded            113,128 bytes
      vsi                                494,629 bytes in 2 files
        vsi_part1_encoded                245,396 bytes
        vsi_part2_encoded                249,233 bytes
    games                                 58,910 bytes in 1 catalog
      jotto                               58,910 bytes in 2 files
        jotto_ftn5                        17,452 bytes
        words_data                        41,458 bytes
    share_index                          203,168 bytes
    utilities                            528,630 bytes in 14 files and 2 catalogs
      chunk_ftn5                          29,620 bytes
      cop_compass                         12,965 bytes
      dbdelun_ftn5                         1,349 bytes
      diskdmp_ftn5                         9,637 bytes
      haspmod_ccp                          5,163 bytes
      keepstx_ccp                            959 bytes
      lisp_pascal                        175,341 bytes
      netenc_and_netdec                   31,882 bytes in 3 files
        netcode_doc                        8,190 bytes
        netdec_ftn5                       10,581 bytes
        netenc_ftn5                       13,111 bytes
      pdp11as                            203,192 bytes in 2 files
        pdp11as_doc                        6,321 bytes
        pdp11as_pascal                   196,871 bytes
      pfdspd_nos664                        2,278 bytes
      readvm_pascal                       28,626 bytes
      uw24050_nos647                       2,829 bytes
      uw24070_nos647                       2,967 bytes
      uw24095_nos647                       1,190 bytes
      waitfor_compass                      8,030 bytes
      xedtmds_nos647                      12,602 bytes
  nos_be                                 340,717 bytes in 3 catalogs
    applications                                       -- empty catalog
    games                                              -- empty catalog
    utilities                            340,717 bytes in 4 files
      aunt_nosbe_encoded                 176,853 bytes
      copysaf_compass                     13,999 bytes
      cop_compass                         12,965 bytes
      uncle_nosbe_encoded                136,900 bytes
  nos_ve                              12,104,584 bytes in 4 catalogs
    applications                       1,034,046 bytes in 8 files
      confer_cybil_nosve                  60,639 bytes
      crepe_scl_nosve                     59,358 bytes
      edipl_scl_nosve                     25,833 bytes
      job_global_queues_cybil            400,236 bytes in cycle 2
      multftp_scl_nosve                   16,194 bytes
      prod_cybil_nosve                    42,943 bytes
      xedit_scu_encoded                  217,183 bytes
      xedit_scu_nvenc                    211,660 bytes
    games                              8,306,183 bytes in 1 file and 1 catalog
      adventure_and_zork               8,251,562 bytes in 13 files
        adv_zork1                        369,019 bytes
        adv_zork10                       413,610 bytes
        adv_zork11                       369,515 bytes
        adv_zork2                        368,563 bytes
        adv_zork3                        368,563 bytes
        adv_zork4                        387,907 bytes
        adv_zork5                        375,413 bytes
        adv_zork6                        368,563 bytes
        adv_zork7                        368,603 bytes
        adv_zork8                        368,563 bytes
        adv_zork9                        368,563 bytes
        create_scu_adventure           4,124,261 bytes
        read_me                              419 bytes
      sokoban_cybil_nosve                 54,621 bytes
    tdu                                  139,379 bytes in 1 file and 1 catalog
      index                                  936 bytes
      lehigh_university                  138,443 bytes in 11 files
        cute                              15,318 bytes
        cute_pc_key_redefinitions          3,349 bytes
        mac_connect_22_36                 16,248 bytes
        pckerm                            15,227 bytes
        pckerm_pc_key_refinitions          3,093 bytes
        seiko                             11,280 bytes
        t920                              19,281 bytes
        t925                              19,817 bytes
        uoi                               11,196 bytes
        uoi_gold                          12,932 bytes
        z100                              10,702 bytes
    utilities                          2,624,976 bytes in 30 files and 1 catalog
      at_cybil_nosve                      17,004 bytes
      bitree_fortran_nosve                 9,792 bytes
      chaucf_cybil_nosve                   8,187 bytes
      chunk_cybil_nosve                   45,367 bytes
      chunk_c_nosve                       34,220 bytes
      chunk_fortran_nosve                 32,062 bytes
      compare_cybil_nosve                 58,719 bytes
      convert_scu_encoded                139,109 bytes
      dirt_cybil_nosve                    31,071 bytes
      disac_cybil_nosve                    5,701 bytes
      disu_cybil_nosve                     9,874 bytes
      expdt_cybil_nosve                   27,599 bytes
      finger_cookie_and_sqtp           1,370,669 bytes in 4 files
        create_scu_internet              684,854 bytes
        internet_offerings1              426,433 bytes
        internet_offerings2              258,968 bytes
        read_me                              414 bytes
      fse_scl_nosve                       33,452 bytes
      gencf_cybil_nosve                   51,261 bytes
      locate_cybil_nosve                  31,238 bytes
      moveup_cybil_nosve                  12,657 bytes
      msdos_cybil_nosve                  196,337 bytes
      msdos_scl_nosve                     14,698 bytes
      nvenc_and_nvdec_fortran_nosve       21,690 bytes
      pasfmt_pascal_nosve                122,280 bytes
      ratfor_ratfor_nosve                  1,128 bytes
      redo_cybil_nosve                    79,574 bytes
      repc_cybil_nosve                    26,402 bytes
      settm_fortran_nosve                 16,133 bytes
      setwc_scl_nosve                      3,182 bytes
      shell_cybil_nosve                   76,986 bytes
      uuenc_and_uudec_fortran_nosve       16,042 bytes
      whereis_cybil_nosve                 19,352 bytes
      windows_cybil_nosve                 78,273 bytes
      zoom_cybil_nosve                    34,917 bytes
  trboun_directory                        14,313 bytes
  unix                                    34,016 bytes in 1 catalog
    utilities                             34,016 bytes in 1 catalog
      simple_queue_transfer_protocol      34,016 bytes in 2 files
        read_me                              999 bytes
        sqtp_c                            33,017 bytes