aldrich@blake.acs.washington.edu (Dwane Aldrich) (03/28/89)

From: aldrich@blake.acs.washington.edu (Dwane Aldrich)
Does anyone know of any mathematical or quasi-mathematical studies of ground
combat that may currently be out in book form?  Items which I put into this
category are:

	Dupuy, T.N.
	  Numbers, predictions & war.  1979.  [In which the author formulates
	a number of equations to describe combat in mathematical terms.]

	Bretnor, Reginald.
	  Decisive warfare.  1969.  [In which the author describes by means of
	equations his theories having to do with such topics as military
	vulnerability, etc.]

I have also read several volumes (multiple issues each) of Dupuy, et al.,
HERO studies.  I am looking for sources other than the above.  All references
would be appreciated.  Thank you.

As a side note, what does anybody think of the studies listed above?

	Dwane Aldrich
	University of Washington	<--  THE STATE !!!