[sci.military] GURPS World War Two

dirtybob@blake.acs.washington.edu (Wendell Joost) (04/13/89)

From: dirtybob@blake.acs.washington.edu (Wendell Joost)

I am working on GURPS World War Two for Steve Jackson Games.  I am
having difficulty locating information on the armor piercing capabilities
of the ammunition used by the Allied forces.  Can anyone suggest a reference?
The other problem I am having is that I cannot seem to locate any statistics which
list the fuel capacity of any of the vehicles used during WWII.  I have found 
a 'range' listed, which, with mileage information, I can compute mpg for the
various vehicles.  Does anyone know of any reference which gives the fuel
capacity of the various armored vehicles used in WWII?
I would also welcome any input on what you RPG players might like to see in

dirtybob@blake.acs.washington.edu (Wendell Joost) (04/24/89)

From: dirtybob@blake.acs.washington.edu (Wendell Joost)

Can someone please help me find information on the maximum ranges of the
following tank guns?
German KwK 36 88mm, KwK 39 50mm, KwK 42 75mm, PaK 39 75mm, PaK 43 88mm.
British 2, 6 and 17 pound guns.

I am also looking for the fuel capacity of the following vehicles:
American - M3 Grant/Lee, M3 Stuart, M7 Self-Prop Howitzer, M18 Hellcat,
M22 Locust, M24 Chaffee, M26 Pershing, M34 Halftrack, M40 "Long Tom" or
"King Kong" self-propelled 155, the DUKW and LVTs model number 1 - 4.
British - Crusader, Valentine, Matilda tanks.
Japanese Type 97 tank.
Any German vehicles.
Soviet T-34, SU-76.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.  Does anyone know how much a 
"Jane's Fighting Ships" 1943-44 in good condition is worth?  A friend wants
to sell his and I'd like to give him a fair price for it.