[sci.military] Military research expenditure

djm@etive.edinburgh.ac.uk (D Murphy) (05/12/89)

From: D Murphy <djm@etive.edinburgh.ac.uk>

I've sent this here from some light relief - and because the address on
the paper is from what looks like a US military research establishment.
The author's name had been removed (by me) to avoid any possible 
embarrassment, but the reference is included to show that it is genuine.
This was a tail end of a photocopy of the previous paper in this journal
which a friend of mine got from the British library.

The question which goes with it is - is the US still wasting money which 
could be put to real defence use on crap like this ?

>From a `probably reliable source' - a paper, reference:

Physiol. Chem. & Physics vol10, 535(1978)

[Any editorial comments in brackets like these].


Author: [deleted to prevent embarrassment]

Address: Biochemistry Laboratory
         Naval Air Development Center 
         Pennsylvania 18974

Abstract: Various biocosmic phenomena have been reported which are
          probably real but are not explained by present scientific
          theories. These include (A) diurnal cycles in antigen-antibody
          reactions at magnetic electrodes, (B) solar radiation of unknown
          type detectable by sensitive [stoned ?] persons, absorbed by 
          metal plates , conducted down metal wires, and trapped in bilayer 
          metal boxes [how about eggboxes - we have plenty of those going
          spare - anyway - what is a box but 6 metal plates, and what is
          a wire but a very thick plate of small cross-sectional area ?],
          (C) colored clouds (auras) around magnets and [hey ?] man visible
          to sensitive [see above] persons, and (D) grid lines parallel to
          lines of latitude and [how the *hell* does he manage this ?]
          longitude detectable by [see above, again] sensitive persons
          (dowsers) but not by electromagnetic instruments. Reliable [?]
          reports of these phenomena are summarized here in preparation for
          the development of a physical theory to eexplain them, which is
          presented in 2 accompanying [I haven't thought about this yet]
          papers [these are presently on order - you'll get then when
          they arrive].

INTRODUCTION: [sorry - first page only available as yet]
Various biological-cosmic [man !] phenomena have been reported which are
probably real [that word again] but are not explained by present theories of
physics, chemistry, biology or psychology. The phenomena I shall list have
been described by observers who are probably [!] reliable. Data contaminated
by mysticism or the like have been omitted. Trained scientists have mostly
ignored these phenomena because they did not fit easily into conventional
patterns of scientific thought. It will be shown in this series of three
papers that these phenomena do fit into the framework of classical and
modern physics provided one new hypothesis is added, a hypothesis to the
effect that man lives in a gas of electromagnetic (EH) dipoles. In other
words, it is proposed that in the universe around us exist a large number of
particles each of which is both an electric and a magnetic dipole. Each
EH-dipole is assumed capable of dissociation under certain conditions into
a pair of separate EH-monopoles (i.e., two monopoles each with both electric
and magnetic charge). Some of the EH-monopoles are tachyons [pause for
breath]; i.e. they have velocities faster than light. Because the EH-dipole
dissociates into EH-monopoles only in ultrastrong magnetic fields, the 
monopoles will usually not be observable experimentally [convenient unless
you go in for an imaging nmr brain scan under the influence of acid]. The
behaviour of the EH-dipoles and the conditions for dissociation are
deduced from classical electromagnetic theory. The tachyon properties are
guessed at from the surmises of the possible and probable behaviour of
tachyons (the existence of which has not yet been demonstrated....

[It peters out here... this was only the first page... anyone care to
 phone up the NADC at Warminster, Pennsylvania (if it exists) and ask
 to speak to this guy, or what the hell they are wasting all that money on ?]

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible (or we discover what
normality is anyway :-)).

Apologies to the moderator, but I really couldn't resist this.

[mod.note:  Please address any flames to the author; serious commentary
on this article is referred to sci.misc, misc.misc, or alt.drugs. - Bill ]


JANET: djm@uk.ac.ed.etive      Internet: djm%ed.etive@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk   
       Murff@uk.ac.ed.emas-a             Murff%ed.emas-a@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
       trinity@uk.ac.ed.cs.tardis        trinity%ed.cs.tardis@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk

D.J. Murphy
Chemistry Dept.
Univ. of Edinburgh

  "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work,
    I want to achieve it through not dying."

                                            Woody Allen