[net.auto] Reparir Manual Wanted

grw@inmet.UUCP (03/24/84)

inmet!grw    Mar 23 14:32:00 1984

Can anyone point me to a good repair manual for 1982 SAABs.  I tried to get
one for about a year after purchasing my car and had no luck finding on that
covered '82.  The 'manual' available from SAAB appears to be a 3 binder loose
leaf arrangement which will set me back quite a few bucks while telling me
things I'll never want to know.  I am primarily interested in being able to
diagnose simple problems, set the timing, and do minor odd jobs myself.  I
don't plan to fool around with the fuel injection system.  I don't have a
nice clean place to work on it (or the tools, training, etc).

					-- Gary Wasserman