[sci.military] Educators Only

russ%prism@gatech.edu (Russell Shackelford) (06/30/89)

From: russ%prism@gatech.edu (Russell Shackelford)

[ crossposted to : sci.edu,comp.edu,sci.psychology,sci.astro,sci.bio,

Followups to sci.edu ]

The following is in response to several inquiries I have received over the
net, suggesting that I provide some information about "OPTIMUS, The
Teaching Information System".

OPTIMUS:  History and Dogma

OPTIMUS grew out of a 3-year study (1983-86) in the Computer Supported
Instruction (CSI) Project at Georgia Tech.  The purpose of the study was to
see how we might best use CHEAP technology to make an ACTUAL contribution

We were NOT blue-skying about what we could do if we had 10 years and $100
million to play with.  We were trying to develop a model that could be
applied in typical settings, college and pre-college, not just in
"big-buck" universities.  To make a long story shorter, we a arrived at a
coherent perspective.  A summary of conclusions relevant to OPTIMUS (I am
responsible for the following statements; Georgia Tech is not):

1.  Programmed Instruction, i.e., CBI, is neither cost-effective nor
realistically do-able, at least not in this century.  It has conceptual and
practical holes big enough to drive a bus through, both technically and
pedagogically.  A key problem is the inability of CBI technology to support
the processing of long/complex student responses, the kind that are crucial
to education (We don't need MORE multiple choice tests!).

2.  CBI fails to address the core problem directly.  The crux of the
educational problem is that we no longer have adequate teacher/student
interaction (if we ever did!?!).  We observe that students do not benefit
from adequate individualized feedback and intervention attention from
faculty.  CBI attempts to COMPENSATE for this lack by substituting
"computer attention" for "teacher attention".  This does not CORRECT the
problem, it only attempts to COMPENSATE for it.  An alternative approach is
to deploy computers to increase "instructional productivity" by allowing
teachers to increase the quanitity and quality of individualized attention
that they CAN give within the confines of existing resources.

3.  Like any other system, Education requires adequate feedback loops in
order to self-regulate.  Education has been attempting to function in the
Information Age with self-regulatory feedback loops that date from the
Industrial Age.  Since these loops are obsolete and inadequate, widespread
failure of self-regulation has occurred (and made headlines:  "Incompetent
Teachers!!", "Illiterate Graduates!!!", etc.).

4.  An appropriate role for computers is to SUPPORT education by providing
the information processing functionality necessary to ALLOW educators to
self-regulate.  Given appropriate information, educators will NATURALLY
self-regulate, which will inevitably work better than efforts to CONTROL,
i.e., bureaucratize, the system.

5.  For this to occur, it is necessary that computers be incorporated into
the PROCESS of education, i.e., it must achieve the status of an EDUCATOR"S
BASIC TOOL.  As long as computers are "in a room down the hall", they will
not have significant impact.  As long as they are deployed primarily for
use by the CLIENT (student) and are not used by the PROFESSIONAL (teacher),
they will not have significant impact.  Observe:  (a) Education is the only
profession that deploys its limited computer resources primarily for Client
use, not Professional use; (b) Education is the only profession where
computers haven't done lead to much of consequence.

6.  For Professionals to USE computers, computers must be a productivity
aid, i.e.  they must DO something useful FOR the Professional on a daily
basis.  Thus, we require computer systems that:

a. Do something FOR the Teacher in terms of daily practice.
b. Provide USEFUL information as required for self-regulation.
c. Are cheap enough to be ubiquitous.

Specifications for such a system were developed in 1985-86.  GT is not in
the microcomputer software development business, and thus no system was
developed there.  A few people who worked with that project decided it was
worth doing, and have implemented the idea over the last 2 years (1987-88)
as "OPTIMUS, The Teaching Information System".

I served as Coordinator of Software Development in the CSI Project, and I
have had extensive input into the design of OPTIMUS.  I have not done any
of the actual implementation myself, having been busy working on an
unrelated research grant and finishing my Ph.D.  However, the idea is near
and dear to me, and I am very pleased with the OPTIMUS program.

I think it is a very important thing for Education.  It allows us to have a
"window" into important aspects of the teaching-and-learning process and it
has the potential to be very important in terms of BOTH research AND

Russell Shackelford
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332
russ@prism.gatech.edu         (404) 834-4759

russ%prism@gatech.edu (Russell Shackelford) (06/30/89)

From: russ%prism@gatech.edu (Russell Shackelford)

The following is in response to several inquiries I have received over the
net, suggesting that I provide some information about "OPTIMUS, The
Teaching Information System".


OPTIMUS integrates Structured Hypertext, Database, Spreadsheet, Reporting,
and Graphing capabilities into a program that supports EXISTING teaching
practices and methods.  It was designed explicitly for Professional
Educators.  The broad goal is to increase "Instructional Productivity",
i.e., to help the Educator to accomplish more in less time.  It's several
specific goals include:

1) Save the Educator time in Grading student work.

2) Increase the Educator's ability to give QUALITY feedback to students.

3) Dramatically increase Data Capture with respect to student performance.

4) Process student performance data to give the Educator instant access to
   information necessary for Intervention with students "before failure".

5) Process student performance data to give the Educator instant access to
   information about his own Teaching Effectiveness; allow the Educator to
   monitor changes in Teaching Effectiveness after modifications to teaching
   organization, approach, content, etc.

6) Process student performance data to provide information that allows
   effective Strength-Sharing among colleagues.

7) Process student performance data to provide information that allows
   effective Curriculum Integration.

OPTIMUS: The Basic Idea

OPTIMUS is a "processing engine" which integrates:
     (a) a teaching plans and materials integration system,
     (b) a student work evaluation environment,
     (c) a performance feedback development and delivery system,
     (d) an intervention management system,
     (e) a teaching-effectiveness evaluation system,
     (f) a system-effectiveness analysis system.

It is adaptable to any subject matter or grade level.  It provides no
subject matter content itself, nor does it assume computing expertise on
the part of the user.

OPTIMUS is designed for use by educators, requiring the availability of one
computer per teacher, not one per student; it thus allows the benefits of
computer support while minimizing hardware requirements.  It is also
designed to support the natural, incremental, and inevitable increase in
access to computers by both schools and students.  As the student
population achieves the capability to submit work on-line, OPTIMUS offers
progressively greater convenience and capability.

OPTIMUS does not provide any course-specific data itself.  Rather, it is a
"shell" which the Educator uses to develop a "Script" for his/her course.
Thus, OPTIMUS is both grade-level and subject-matter independent.

Script development can occur iteratively in the natural flow of teaching a
course, or it can be performed en masse prior to the teaching of a course.
The contents can be created with the text editor within OPTIMUS, or can be
imported into OPTIMUS from any ascii textfile.  Linking of this information
must be done within OPTIMUS.

While any teacher can use OPTIMUS to develop a Script for a course, it is
anticipated that Scripts will be developed by "master" teachers, motivated
professors, textbook authors, or other on-the-ball-people-who-give-a-damn.
Once a Script has been developed, it may be distributed to others for their
use.  Thus, an experienced teacher can provide a well-developed Script for
textbook support, departmental support, and/or new teacher support.

Regardless of source, a Script can be modified at any time.  Thus, an
Educator might receive a Script from a professor or publisher, then modify
it to suit his own teaching style, preferences, etc.

Assuming the existence of a suitable Script for a given course, OPTIMUS is
used as follows:


   Course organization takes the form of an outline.  The Course Outline is
   the central data structure to which all other Script data is linked.
   OPTIMUS includes an Outline Processor (analogous to Ready, Thinktank,
   etc.) to facilitate Outline development.  Thus, the user can "expand"
   the Outline to see it in complete detail or "contract" the Outline to
   hide levels of detail and see the general organization.  The Course
   Outline might start out as just a simple course syllabus and gradually
   be defined more specifically, topic by topic.

   A developed Script would include a detailed Outline for the course.
   Like all other Script information, such an outline can be modified at
   any time.  An Educator receiving a Script developed by someone else
   would likely begin by modifying/rearranging/extending the Outline to
   adapt it to his own course organization.


   Assignments can be created within OPTIMUS or imported from ascii files
   into OPTIMUS.  OPTIMUS maintains a database of Problem and Assignment
   Banks, so that any assignment or problem need be input only once.  Each
   problem is linked to one or more items in the Outline.  Once it exists
   within OPTIMUS, a given problem can be "picked off" to be incorporated
   into a new assignment.  With assignments "composed" within Optimus, then
   printed out by or distributed electronically from Optimus, the clerical
   tedium of preparing assignments is completely eliminated.

   A developed Script would include banks of Problems and Assignments for
   the course.  An Educator would create an assignment by some combination
   of (a) browsing the banks to select existing problems, and (b) creating
   new problems "on the fly".

   Performance data is maintained for each problem.  Thus, that the
   Educator knows both (1) when a given problem had been assigned to
   classes, and (2) the overall performance of students on the given
   problem (in total and class-by-class).


   Student work provides a wealth of information about student competence
   and understanding (or lack thereof).  The challenge is to capture and
   utilize this information.  Typically, we record one grade for each
   student submission, jot a comment or two in the margin of the student's
   paper, return the paper to the student ...  and effectively THROW ALL

   Research at Georgia Tech led to the conclusion that the Evaluation
   process is both (a) crucial to effective instruction, and (b) currently
   the most time-consuming, unproductive, and wasteful of all instructional
   activities.  The Grading Environment within OPTIMUS is the key to both
   increasing effective data capture and decreasing grading time.  The
   larger goal is to allow vastly improved feedback to both students and

   The Teacher (or other Grader) uses the Grading Environment in
   conjunction with the normal process of grading student work.  It
   includes facilities to support the evaluation of essays, compositions,
   or other student work which requires subjective evaluation, as well as
   short answer, multiple choice, or other student work which requires only
   "answer scanning" for grading.

   OPTIMUS acts automatically to construct and maintain a database of all
   information available during the grading process.  This includes both
   (a) "objective" data (points correct for problems linked to various
   topics), and (b) "subjective" data (the various phenomena in student
   work that is deemed by the teacher to be worthy of comment).  Optimus
   thus provides an accurate objective record of all the phenomena noticed,
   objectively and subjectively, in student work.  This database is indexed
   by course topic, by assignment and problem, and by individual student.


   The student receives more than just brief comments on his paper.  The
   Grading Envieonment allows the grader to insert detailed feedback
   comments into student work via a mouse and a fast "point-and shoot"
   evaluation procedure.  The grader uses Optimus and a mouse to simply
   "click" on on-screen "comment codes".  Each comment code is "linked" to
   a textual message defined in the Script.  When a comment code is
   "clicked" with the mouse, the detailed textual message is automatically
   inserted into the student's work at the appropriate location.

   Educators can create new Comments (codes and textual messages) "on the
   fly" whenever something new is noticed in student work which is not
   addressed by an existing Comment.  This allows Educators can say as much
   or as little as they wish in response to student work.

   Research in both the English Department and the School of Information
   and Computer Science at Georgia Tech resulted in findings which
   surprised teachers who anticipated that a database of feedback comments
   would be too "forced" or "impersonal" to be viable.  When these very
   teachers used OPTIMUS, they found that approximately 90-100 comments
   covered everything that they encountered while grading for a given

   The effect is that graders no longer respond with just a word or two in
   the margin.  Instead, thought can be given to what the teacher "would
   like to say" to a student who evidences a given problem.  With OPTIMUS,
   appropriate messages can be created once, in whatever length and detail
   is appropriate.  Once created, these detailed feedback comments can be
   "written' on student work with just the "click" of a mouse button.

   This allows experienced faculty to provide guidance to their graders.
   TA's can be provided with the specifics "what to look for" in student
   work, and Faculty can define the actual feedback messages to students
   which their graders apply.

   The result is that

   (a) students receive better feedback;
   (b) teachers have greater control of the grading performed by TA graders;
   (c) grading is done very rapidly;
   (d) a detailed database of student performance strengths and weaknesses
       is automatically maintained.

   NOTE:  The Grading Environment and its associated database present a
   panorama of research opportunities.  Which feedback comments have best
   effect?  Does a change in classroom teaching result in fewer occurrences
   of a given problem/comment?  And so on.  This technique has already been
   utilized at Georgia Tech to discover a universal error in the teaching
   of Pascal.  The opportunities for blending teaching and research seem
   unlimited.  Think about this!


   Use of the Grading Environment results in a detailed database of student
   performance.  The availability of such data allow new efficiencies with
   respect to intervention.

 * Students who have a particular deficiency with respect to a topic can be
   directed to remedial material early enough for their to be a good chance
   of success.  This can be done automatically:  feedback Comments can
   easily include Study Guidance components.

 * When a student comes to the office for assistance, there is no need to
   fumble, trying to assess the student's problem areas:  OPTIMUS can draw
   a graph of student competence, topic by topic, either in isolation or in
   reference to the class as a whole; both student and teacher can
   literally "see a picture" of the student's strengths and weaknesses.

 * Clusters of students with similar weaknesses can be easily identified
   and grouped, thus allowing better use to be made of limited Teacher and
   TA time for intervention.


   The same database that allows weaknesses of individual students to be
   recognized and addressed allows similar advantages for the Educator with
   respect ot teaching effectiveness.  Performance data for the class as a
   whole is always instantly available.  The Educator can set his own
   standards of performance, and OPTIMUS' Critique function will search the
   database and identify all course topics where he (a) exceeds and (b)
   falls below the standards he specified.

   Thus, the Educator has an empirical basis for determining (a) where he
   meets his own standards of teaching effectiveness and (b) where he is
   challenged.  If a problem area is identified, the Educator may make
   modifications to his teaching approach or content, then use OPTIMUS to
   monitor the results.  In this way, OPTIMUS helps the Educator turn
   teaching into a self-correcting activity, based on empirical data
   gathered from his own teaching activities.

   This is something that we believe is VERY important!


   It is curious that Faculty share the benefits of their teaching
   experience so rarely.  A large part of the reason is that there is no
   "medium of exchange" for teaching materials and teaching experience.
   OPTIMUS is designed to change that.

   The development of Scripts within OPTIMUS provides new opportunities for
   Course Development.  A Teacher who routinely teaches a course will, by
   using OPTIMUS, naturally develop a detailed Script for the course.  The
   Script can then be given to other faculty who might only rarely teach
   the course, thus offering them the benefit of their colleague's work.
   New inexperienced faculty can benefit from the experience of senior

   A Teacher who identifies a weakness in their class' performance in a
   given topic can consult with colleagues and borrow Script segments from
   others who achieve better results.


   With OPTIMUS a School or Department can systematically evaluate the
   effectiveness of their curriculum empirically.  Do students in a
   4000-level course evidence weaknesses in topics that were addressed in a
   2000-level course?  If so, what changes to the 2000-level course might
   reduce or eliminate the propagation of problems to later courses?  Or,
   might there be problem areas in a 4000-level course that were NEVER
   addressed in an earlier course?  If so, what curriculum changes might
   solve this problem?  OPTIMUS provides a medium by which such questions
   can be formulated and by which the effectiveness of response can
   be empirically evaluated.  The effect is to move Educational Research to
   the local level, allowing any Educator to systematically investigate
   such issues.  We beleive that this is VERY important!

OPTIMUS: Summary

OPTIMUS is designed to be a basic tool for Educators who wish to
systematically examine and refine their own teaching.

  * It provides a window into the teaching-and-learning process by tracking
    the wealth of information, both subjective and objective, that is
    available to Educators as they evaluate the work of their students.

  * It provides a medium by which the consequences of changes in teaching
    approach or content can be empirically measured.

  * It provides a medium by which Educators can exchange the benefits of
    their teaching experience.

  * It provides a standard tool which can be applied to any course,
    regardless of subject matter or grade level.

  * It provides a standard tool by which any Curriculum can be evaluated,
    it's "holes" identified, and solutions tested for real-world effect.

OPTIMUS: System Requirements and Current Status

OPTIMUS runs on MS-DOS 3.xx.  A hard disk and 640K are necessary.  An
AT-clone and color monitor are recommended (suggested hardware
configuration can be had mail order from innumerable sources for about

MS-DOS version is in Beta testing at Georgia Tech and should be released in
Summer, 1989.  Both individual and site licenses will be available.  Prices
are not yet set.

Unofficial best guess on pricing (this may prove to be off the mark):
$200-300 in quantity for site licenses; $500-700 single copy price.

Versions for the Mac and for Unix are in development.

It is anticipated that OPTIMUS will never be finished.  We are routinely
developing new capabilities in response to requests from Educators.  Thus,
we are most interested in your ideas for a USEFUL processing engine to
support you in the education work that you do.

If you are interested in obtaining a copy, write to:

        Mindsight Corporation
        2314 Pleasant Ridge Rd.
        Bremen, GA,  30110

There is much in OPTIMUS that was not described above.  I can answer most
functionality questions you might have.  However, you should write to the
company, above, for purchasing information and other business matters.

Russell Shackelford  (russ@pyr.gatech.edu)

Russell Shackelford
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332
russ@prism.gatech.edu         (404) 834-4759