[sci.military] Seawolf

jrll@Portia.stanford.edu (john ralls) (07/13/89)

From: john ralls <jrll@Portia.stanford.edu>

I'll add only one thing to Ted Kim's excellent article on the differences 
between Seawolf and advanced Los Angeles submarines.  The Los Angeles boats
have always been right at the edge of their margins, with inadequate bunking
and storage for their crew requirements.  The BSY-1 combat system is the 
last improvement they can take without imposing limitations in mission by
removing other equipment.  Seawolf will be about halfagain larger than 
San Juan (the first improved Los Angeles boat), with further improvements
in accommodation, depth, and storage, as well as the other advantages Ted 
Kim listed.

Please note that operating depths of US submarines is classified (but the
numbers used by the original poster are wrong...).

One of the main reasons, IMHO, that Seawolf will be so expensive is that 
the low construction rate (planned at one per year, but even that is under
attack) concentrates overhead onto too few hulls.  This is worsened by
the navy's need to spread the wealth to two yards for competition.
