[net.auto] Front Wheel Drive Blues

jjb@pyuxnn.UUCP (J Bernardis) (03/27/84)


I have a 1980 Honda Accord with an automatic transmission.
At the 36000 mile mark, the transmission started to leak, so I
took it in to my local dealer.  The problem: a gasket needs to be
replaced.  The cost: less than $10 in parts, but over $220 in labor.
Because it's front wheel drive, they have to remove the entire
transmission to change a stinking gasket.

Don't get me wrong. I love my Accord.  It is probably the best
car I've ever owned, but bills like this gets one to thinking
twice about the "advantages" of front wheel drive.

	Jeff Bernardis, AT&T Technologies @ Piscataway NJ

henthorn@uiucdcs.UUCP (henthorn ) (03/29/84)

uiucdcs!henthorn    Mar 28 07:02:00 1984

I have a '78 Merc. with rear-wheel drive (of course) and
a similar thing happened. The transmission had a broken
seal-ring. $15 part, $180 labor. The problems plague rear-
wheel drive also.
                 -RH  uiucdcs!henthorn