[sci.military] Line drawings

djm@etive.ed.ac.uk (D Murphy) (07/24/89)

From: D Murphy <djm@etive.ed.ac.uk>

One of my boss' sons is going through a mad-keen-on-aircraft phase, which
coincides with me writing an HPGL previewer and needing some test data.
So, in an attempt to kill two birds with one stone, does anyone have line
drawings of the following in HPGL format ?

F-14 Tomcat
F-15 Eagle
F-16 Falcon
F-18 Hornet

Preferably HPGL, but I can also convert AutoCAD .DXF, ProDesign .PD1 or
IGES to HPGL too if necessary.

Thanks in anticipation,


JANET: djm@uk.ac.ed.etive      Internet: djm%ed.etive@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk   
       Murff@uk.ac.ed.emas-a             Murff%ed.emas-a@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
       trinity@uk.ac.ed.cs.tardis        trinity%ed.cs.tardis@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
D.J. Murphy     *Artificial* intelligence ?  Evidently.....