[sci.military] "Mil Spec" Text on Engineering Drawings

cmr@cvedc.prime.com (Chesley Reyburn) (09/17/89)

From: cmr@cvedc.prime.com (Chesley Reyburn)
My organization makes Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
software for electrical engineers. This includes schematic
capture and hardcopy of same. Many of our customers have
contracts with the various government organizations typically
referred to as the Department of Defense.

One of the things that customers complain about is the
fact that they have a hard time producing "Mil Spec" text
on their engineering drawings (the hardcopy of the schematic
capture). Now I know that some of the readers of sci.military
actually work for the military and I have a question for
them (of course if any one else cares to put their oar in...):
What exactly IS "Mil Spec" text?

Is there one DOD standard (oh PLEASE let it be true!) somewhere
that sez: "Thou shalt make all of your capital As in the following
manner...?" Or do the requirements vary from organization to
organization? Is it a personal thing with each project?

Ideally I will find out some publication reference number(s)
so that I can then get the requsite publication(s); fix our
software appropriately; and 
	[ARPAnet should not be used for commercial purposes and since
	I'm not sure how sci.military digest is routed, I've deleted
	the last 3 lines.  I don't see any problem with whoever knows
	this information sending it to the list, though, I'm sure many
	of us might be interested in whether there's a Mil Spec font.  --CDR]


Chesley Reyburn                 ...tektronix!ogccse!cvedc!cmr
ECAE Software, Prime Computer, Inc.   ...sun!cvbnet!cvedc!cmr
14952 NW Greenbrier Parkway              ...sequent!cvedc!cmr
Beaverton, OR 97006-5733                  Phone  503/645-2410

ricko@rosevax.Rosemount.COM (Rick O'Brien) (09/20/89)

From: ricko@rosevax.Rosemount.COM (Rick O'Brien)
I happened to be looking some things up so I thought I'd check on 'MIL spec
text.'  Under "Drawings, Engineering Practices for" were listed several specs
including ASME Y14.2m-79, Line Conventions and Lettering.  For overall drawing
military requirements refer to MIL-HDBK-288 Review and Acceptance of Engineering
Drawing Packages.  I am not intimately familiar with the MIL handbook but I
believe it is just a guideline defining documentation data trails.  The ASME 
spec is probably the one you need.  We have an Intergraph CAD system and have
never, to my knowledge, had any problems getting our text accepted.

Rick O'Brien