[sci.military] 50 Years Ago: Wednesday, 15 November, 1939

military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker) (11/15/89)

From: military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker)
Wednesday, 15 November, 1939

The panzerschiffe Admiral Graf Spee sinks the merchant tanker Africa Shell
off the coast of Mozambique.

In response to the success of the German "pocket battleships", the US
Navy announces changes in the cruisers Cleveland and Columbia, delaying
their construction.   (The changes consisted mostly of increases in armor
and other protective attributes, with adverse effects on stability; later,
these ships were plagued with problems caused by insufficient excess

German mines have come into prominence, claiming several victims
among British ships.  British authorities believe that U-boats are
laying the mines in critical areas.

The Soviet press vigorously attacks Finland's rulers for refusing to
negotiate "despite the will of the masses," and charges British involvement
in the breakdown.

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Bill Thacker			            military@cbnews.att.com
Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to military-request@att.att.com

"I don't see that they have done much yet.  As a matter of practice,
I don't believe in trying to build too many things into ships and
making them jacks-of-all-trades." - Charles Edison, Acting Secretary
of the Navy (USA), referring to the German panzerschiffen