(Dean M. Bleess) (11/14/89)
From: (Dean M. Bleess) Stephen Grant asked which aircraft currently held more than 2 crewmembers. Here's my list.. EA-6B Prowler, Navy Electronic Countermeasures/Jamming S-3 Viking, Navy Antisubmarine Warfare B-1 'nuff said B-2 "Stealth" All of the above have four (4) B-58 Hustler (3) -there is one in the SAC hq museum at home. B-52 Stratofortress 'BUFF' (5)Pilot,Co-,Nav,Bomdr,Gunner EC-135 Command post (~10) Including a General in Looking Glass RC-135 Electronic Reconnaissance (8+) Both '135's based on the Boeing 707 E-3 Sentry AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System (RADAR) 707 also crew 8+ E-4 NEACP Natl' Emergency Airborne Command Post (Flying White House) Based on 747 crew (many many) P-3 Orion Navy land-based antisubmarine warfare 4+ E-2 Hawkeye Navy AWACS (5?) Steve was probably only interested in the first four, but the others could be of interest to him or someone else also. Dean M. Bleess Aviation Lexicon Private Pilot (ASEL) cOlLeGe StUdEnT Aerospace Engineering (Dan Flak) (11/20/89)
From: mcgp1! (Dan Flak)
> Stephen Grant asked which aircraft currently held more than 2 crewmembers.
Let us not forget the "biggies":
The C-130 typically carries a basic crew of 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot,
1 navigator, 1 flight engineer, and 1 loadmaster.
The C-141 basic crew is 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 1 navigator, 2 flight
engineers, and 2 loadmasters.
Basic crews can fly for 16 hours with autopilot operative and on a
non-tactical mission. Augmented (extra pilots on the C-130 and C-141,
and extra flight engineer and loadmaster on C-130), they can fly up to
24 hours during a crew duty day.
The C-5?? I've worked airlift out of Diego Garcia. We had a C-5 break
down there. Billeting was limited, so I asked the aircraft commander to
send all extra crewmembers back on a C-141, and keep only enough people
to preflight and taxi the aircraft. He sent home 16 and kept 12.
Dan Flak - McCaw Cellular Communications Inc., 201 Elliot Ave W.,
Suite 105, Seattle, Wa 98119, 206-283-2658, (usenet: thebes!mcgp1!flak)