[sci.military] Public Perceptions of the Military

illgen@hq.af.mil (Keneth..Illgen) (12/06/89)

From: illgen@hq.af.mil (Keneth..Illgen)

In article <11922@cbnews.ATT.COM> terryr@ogccse.ogc.edu (Terry Rooker) writes:
>Now as I see ads and commercials I see more military themes.  They
>run the range from dogs marching around a track to a sailor returning
>home and going to McDonalds.

     The trend, which I had thought would have peaked shortly after 'Top Gun'
came out, hasn't. Without dwelling on the reasons why (afterall, this isn't
alt.yea.reagan) this country has grown to feel proud of itself and the 
military plays a big part in that. With this feeling and the desire
of advertising agencies to attach these symbols to a guy like Tom Cruise
it only makes sense that they use the military to target audiences.

>This is an important consideration.  It resides in the intangibles
>of the military.  When the society you are sworn to protect is
>constantly dumping on you it causes problems.  In the 1970's the 
>all-volunterr military had problems meeting their recruiting
>quotas, much less getting high quality recruits.  The obvious affect 
>on military readiness should be obvious.  The main affect is a
>loss of pride.  Through the early 80's, many military personnel
>didn't want to wear uniforms off base.

     I spent 1981 in the Air Force in the states (Biloxi - where the most
popular bumpersticker was 'Beautify Biloxi- Run Over an Airman'). I felt
very apprehensive about being anywhere in uniform. I then went to Europe
for six years. Over there it was a complete turn-around. For the first three
years we were constantly cautioned about our activities downtown. And not 
just because of terrorism concerns. A good number of the European people just 
plain did not like the American military. After a few years the turnaround
started to take place. I don't think public opinion changed all that much.
More people who felt secure having the Americans there started to become
vocal about their feelings.

     Now, after nine years, I feel comfortable anywhere at anytime being in
uniform. I think society feels better about the role of the military. There
are still times when I run into some puke who thinks we're out to kill his
family but I take those in stride. I just hope these feelings keep up. With
the way we're being force fed Gorbomania I worry that the natural reaction 
may be to turn on the military.