[sci.military] 50 Years Ago: Thursday, 28 December, 1939

military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker) (12/27/89)

From: military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker)
Thursday, 28 December, 1939

The Soviet High Command orders plans laid for a coordinated assault on
the Mannerheim line.  General Gregory M. Stern has reportedly been placed
in charge of the Leningrad Military District and, therefore, the war.

Soviet troops in Suomussalmi attempt to break out to the north, but 
most are killed in the attempt.  Finns begin mopping up the area, and
further invest the 44th mechanized division 5 miles to the east.

The battleship HMS Barham is torpedoed by the U-30 off the Clyde estuary.

Meat rationing begins in Britain.

In northwest China, the Japanese air force stages repeated bombing raids on
Lanchow, an important Chinese supply center.

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Bill Thacker			            military@cbnews.att.com
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"It was a pretty bad advertisement for the Soviet Army... The conclusion
was drawn too hastily that the Russian Army had been ruined by the purge,
and that the inherent rottenness and degradation of their system of
government and society was now proved."  - Winston Churchill, _The Second
World War_