[sci.military] 50 Years Ago: Tuesday, 23 January, 1940

military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker) (01/23/90)

From: military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker)
Tuesday, 23 January, 1940

In response to alarming numbers of automobile accidents under blackout
conditions, the speed limit in many areas of Britain is reduced from 20mph
to 10mph.

Britian suggests that Rumania should restrict her oil trade with Germany.

With a 1911 commercial treaty due to expire on Friday, the US informs
Japan that it intends to continue under the present terms on a day-by-day

Chemists of the German I.G. Farbenindustrie announce the creation of a
luminous paint.  A material called "lumogen" is mixed with paint of any
color, and fluoresces in the presence of ultraviolet radiation.   It is
felt that this discovery could revolutionize interior lighting.

Boris Sergievsky, a former Russian pilot, speaks in New York before the 
"Committee for Russian-Finnish Cooperation in the Fight against Communism"
(which is chaired by Igor Sikorski).  He proclaims that the Russo-Finnish
War is an opportunity for those who fought the Bolsheviks in 1917, and
urges White Russians to join the Finnish cause.

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Bill Thacker			            military@cbnews.att.com
Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to military-request@att.att.com

"For twenty-two years we have been waiting for this very moment.  Now 
there is a place where we can go back and fight from." - Boris Sergievsky