V059L49Z@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu (IF INSANITY IS AN ART, CALL ME PICASO) (04/11/90)
From: "IF INSANITY IS AN ART, CALL ME PICASO" <V059L49Z@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu>
I was reading a few years ago about the HUMMER vehicle in Popular Mechanics.
At this time, it was still being bided on by contractors. They gave a brief
description of the proposed models by each of the three finalists.
Since it has entered production, I have found little information about the
production model. Could someone send me information about it? The article
talked about various versions (such as a four and eight litter ambulance,
missile-launcher, command vehicle, etc.) All I've seen is just what appears
to be a simple passenger-carrying vehicle. There was a local television
program on a while ago about it produced by LTV (I take it they are a sub-
contractor or something like that), but it was interrupted by coverage of
Nelson Mandela being released. When the program returned, they were talking
about something else. They had a cameraman in the back seat shooting through
the windshield as the driver went through a dirt road in a forest at high
speed. The driver was very happy with the vehicle and it's performance in
such situations. I have seen it on roads a couple of times, but from a
Any information anyone has would be appreciated. Thank you.
Joe Friday
Just the VAX, ma'am
Real name: Paul Stacy V059L49Z@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU
Alias: Joe Friday V059L49Z@UBVMSD.BITNET
State University of New York at Buffalo |---------------------------|
might work by accident
Disclaimer: That which you read is not necessarily the opinion of the school,
the police dept, Chief of Detective Staff Brown, Planet
Spaceball, or Starfleet Command.
"Unless your growing, sit down!" - Jack Webb - Dragnet (1955)