henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) (04/12/90)
From: henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) >From: bxr307@csc.anu.oz >... a C130 Hercules with a single point refueling system hung out the >cargo hatch. The reciever aircraft was apparently a Mirage F1. However the >disparities in speed between the two aircraft prevented the tests from being >successful... The Brits ran into a similar problem during the Falklands War, trying to refuel Hercules freighters with Victor jet tankers. In tanking conditions, the Herc's maximum level speed was just a hair lower than the Victor's comfortable minimum. What to do? Well, you take both up to the highest practical altitude, and put them into a shallow dive. The Herc is, of course, a bit faster in a dive than when flying level! Hastily link up and start pumping fuel. When the wavetops get too close, break the link and start climbing back up to do it again. Repeat until the Herc's tanks are full. It sounds like a real Rube Goldberg trick, but it worked. It also led to the hasty development of a tanker Hercules... Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu